To the SotM community,
I love this game. I love this game because, even if only for a brief period in time, I can be a Hero. For an hour, I can save millions of people across time and space from the clutches of unspeakable Evil. I can make a difference.
That hour passes though and eventually reality seeps back in as I slowly put away my cards. The truth is, while there may be real Evil in this world, I have done relativly little to aid in its destruction.
There are times however when we as humans are called into action, to take up the mantle in a time of great need on seconds notice. I saw this yesterday. After the explosions, I saw incredible men and women drop what they were doing and sprint, not away from the blasts, but toward them. Runing as fast as they humanly could toward the chaos. Brave. Bold. A dire need to help their fallen commrades. The picture of a spectator running with paramedics, holding a strangers exposed artery where his shin used to be preventing him from bleeding out there on the scene. A true hero.
If any of you live there, have family there, had a friend runing the race, I hope you and your loved ones are safe.
To everyone else. Let us never forget that there are truely Heros among us. They do not wear masks or super suits or time travel, but when they hear the call, they are there. Thank you.