The Tick's new Amazon series! *Possible Spoilers!*

With its recent release, I want to know what others think of the Big Blue Bug of Justice's newest foray into visual media! I just binge-watched all six episodes last night, and I have to say, as a long time Tick fan I was quite happy with the results!

How does it compare to the previous live-action Tick, with Patrick Warburton? I have to admit, that's the only Tick series I've ever watched.

A fair bit darker

I've only watched the first two episodes but I found it to be odd -- not goofy enough to actually be goofy, not serious enough to be serious.  It was kind of hovering in the middle not really sure what it was.  The guy playing Tick didn't seem to want to go full-cartoony and Arthur has a tragic backstory now.  There wasn't enough there for me to want to keep watching, I'm sad to say.

The 2001-2002 Tick that starred Patrick Warburton(sp?) was certainly a fun comedy show, but behind the scenes there were quite a few problems with schedueling and funding. I believe the team did the best that they could with what they had, and I loved it, but unfortunatly it wasn't as good of a show that it could have been if it had the right resources. I'd like to think this new show is what we could have gotten if the stars alligned and The Tick got the funds and time it needed.

Comedy was more the focus than super heroics for the 2000's show(due to not having the budget for many special effects), but with this new series we're able to get both humor AND heroics!

I urge any Tick fan, young or old, to give the amazon show a try.

It's 6 episodes and I enjoyed it.

It's 12 episodes, 6 of which have been released.

You can look forward to 6 more at some point in the future! As opposed to the past

Awesome!  Thanks, Matchstickman!

So I did watch this some time ago and just never got around to saying things about it.

I can't say it wasn't The Tick, I can say it wasn't The Tick I remember. But I have also heard/read interviews with Ben Edlund saying something like "Why would I tell the exact same story every time?" so i can see why it changes from form to form.

I'll admit it wasn't as jokey as I might have liked but I'm interested enough that I'll want to see the next 6 when they are released.

(Also let me pimp out who do superhero-y things, one of which is talkfromsuperheroes, where they review superhero media, they did The Tick last week and loved it, I think they tapped into the dark humour of the show that I had not expected to see on first viewing and might "get" if I watched it again with that take in mind.)

The future starts on February 23rd apparently.

I'm disappointed (and surprised) that so much time has passed between the first 6 and this 6, I think they've let it lie fallow for too long. I barely remember what happened last time now.


EDIT: Though there is a new teaser video here

Neat! I never watched the old Tick, but I found this series to be quite funny. I can’t tell you how hard I laughed at the “Look at you!” / “Impossible!” exchange.

I'm really excited for the next half(?) of the season! I binged what was avaliable last August, and luckily I remember most everything. :)

The second half is dropping near the end of my birthday month, so I'm all in! :D

And it got renewed for a sceond season!

Yay! :D

I binged the new 6 last night, I thought this half was far better than the first. 

I loved the flashback early/avalanche jokes, it was good to have a spoon reference, and I think there was more characterisation of the secondary characters here.

All in all a good start to a new version of the Tick, I llok forward to teh second season.