Thoughts on Shattered Timelines.

I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on your first few games with ST and sharing mine.

So far, I've played one game, Iron Legacy vs Omintron X, The Scholar and Chrono Ranger in the Final Wasteland.  It was a nail biter.  After I went through the final environment turn and doled out the damage, I thought I had lost.  As I began packing up, I stopped and realized I had, in fact, won.  What I had missed was that when Iron Legacy is flipped, he is not immune to environment damage and would thus, have been destroyed.  My thoughts on Iron Legacy is that your best chance for success against him is to have at least one, preferably two controllers and a damage dealer.  Heroes who require some setup, such as Absolute Zero, are going to struggle against him because games against Iron Legacy are going to be fast and brutal.  But if you are able to limit damage and get rid of ongoing cards while having one hero deal out some decent damage, then he may be fairly easy to defeat.  Omnitron X was very helpful against Iron Legacy because I was able to reduce the damage dealt and also turn that into attack opportunities.  I could never really get The Scholar or Chrono Ranger off the ground, but did get in a couple of decent attacks that made all the difference.

Final environment turn? If the environment deck runs out of card you reshuffle it into a new deck :)


Unless there is an auto loose situation in Final Wasteland  ia m forgeting...



as for your topic post, I got /trounced/ by La Capitan the other day. When she flipped she had 8 cards und her (double play thanks to paradorica magnifica of the card that steals the top card from each players deck, and she already had 2 cards under her) and trying to beat through that and kill her crew as they were flying from the masts to beat me into submission... was not working. Couple of Villionous Weaponry from Atlantis and 2 krakens in a row was the end of that game

I got the impression that Aaron was referring to the last environment turn of the game, after which the game ended because everyone was dead.

well that could very well be true! That’s what I get for reply to topics at 6am

Yeah, that's what I meant.  It was the turn that ended the game.   Killing, I thought at first, my final two heroes, but then realized Iron Legacy could be damaged and thus, was destroyed instead.

With Iron Legacy, you're screwed if you cannot deal with his Ongoings.  He just has SO MANY terrible things packed onto each of those cards!

I'm really liking ST so far.  I've played a few games and had quite a bit of luck.


My very first game was Nightmist, Fanatic, Haka, and I think Crono Ranger as the 4th.   Anyway, Nightmist drew Planar Banishment in her opening draw, flipped a 3, and got rid of all of IL's most annoying buffs.   Combined attacks brought IL down to 22 hp by the end of turn 1, so he did not flip and played Galvanized.   Turn 2 everybody piled on and he was dead.    Victory before the 2nd environment turn, wow.   Fun fact, Legacy is not the nemisis of himself, apparently =p.


2nd Game vs IL was much closer owing to the fact that was unable to finish him in the same manner.   Next team was Wraith, AZ, X, and Haka.  However, once again, luck was with me and Zero got Fueled Freeze in his opening draw, stripping IL of all his toughest buffs.  It was looking pretty similar with IL at 22 hp at the end of turn 1,  however, at turn 2 I was only able to reduce him to 3 hp instead of death.   His Motivated by Desperaton (advanced) side kept him alive for quite a long time, and the game ended up being exceptionally close with all heroes in single digit hp, most less than 5.


I enjoyed dreamer much more than I expected.  Another close game.   As far as fun factor goes, I personally prefer IL>Dreamer>Kismet.  With Dreamer and IL being roughly equal, and Kismet lagging behind slightly.   La Capitain I've not broken out since playtesting, so no comment there.  With Kismet, I did have Fanatic's wrathful retribution finishing move get intercepted by a stupid shark (or in this case, an Abominable Snowman),  lol.   Only kept Kismet alive another turn or two though.


Environments are quite good, I've enjoyed playing on all of them.  Final Wasteland is pretty cool but I only played it once.   Fun fact,  ANY bouty card on Water Trough (silver gulch 1883) is hilarious.


Love playing CR and X.   Scholar I'm sorta lukewarm on but I'm sure there will be those that really enjoy him.  

I think Absoulte Zero is a hero that would require a lot of luck to be succeful against Iron Legacy.  Granted, I've only faced him once so far but my impression is that games against him will be quick, nasty affairs and heroes like AZ who require setup are going to have a hard time.

Omnitron X's base power is pretty incredible.  Especially when combined with someone like Unity it can be amazing to just throw out tons of golems. I can see how it could be dangerous as you may not want ever card played or trashed so it wouldnt work well with every hero. 

I played AB in Silver Gulch which was a nightmare.  Game took like 3 hours and I must have burned through the environment deck 3-4 times, ABs deck once, Unity's deck once, and The Scholar's deck once. Chrono Ranger went out pretty early but I look forward to playing him again. Scholar is a great tank and Omnitron X is just great all around. Great team support with some decent damage and tanking if he has the right plating. 


Especially with nemesis damage… Applies to Bunker too, probably.

Yes, well such is the reason I was using Elemental Wrath Zero.   Setup time?  What setup time?


Bunker: Engine of War would also be much better equipped to deal with IL than his F5 counterpart.  I feel F6 variants doing better against IL makes a certain amount of sense.  Although certainly some heroes might do better as their originals (Unity, possibly Wraith).

Played a game against Kismet, using Chrono Ranger, Dark Visionary and AZ Elemental Wraith in the Silver Gulch.  For a while, things went pretty well.  But then Kismet got out her ongoing (forget the name of the card) which caused the first damage dealt to her of every round to deal an enivronmet card and redirect the damage to it.  At that point, I was using deck controil via Visionary and the Talisman like a madman to get a card that would allow me to get rid of her ongoing, but I just couldn't come up with one.  I did manage to get one on top of Visionary's deck for draw the next round, but both she and Chrono Ranger were taken out before I could draw it.  At this point, AZ was still in great shape with 20 HP, but everything avalanched onto him.  He got nailed with 3, count them 3 jinx cards in one round and it was only a matter of time before he succumbed.

Our first game against Miss Information was with Unity, Om-X, Chrono Ranger and The Scholar. We ended up in a litteraly no target environment with three raptor bots out. If it weren't for the fact that the raptor bots could attack themselves we might have lost the game to them.

That would probably be a first. 

I watched as Plague Rat was first decimated by a giant mongolian death worm x 2 and a Yeti before finally being taken out by a skunk ape. I only wish it had been the sweet irony of death by a rat beast. The final wasteland is insane.  First, I am chased through the wasteland by monstrosities, then when I finally take refuge in the library and Con's bunker, Nightmist, the only remaining survivor, simply watches Plague Rat get devoured by the very future he created. Very thematic. 

I only play Sentinels with my gaming group, who meets on Saturdays, but we got three straight games in, all of 'em fun.

#1, if memory serves, was Iron Legacy vs. Argent Adept, Omnitron X, Tempest v.2 (me), and Team Leader Tachyon. It went pretty straightforward, I used Tempest to pop Iron Legacy's Ongoings repeatedly, and the others just wailed on 'im til he keeled over.

#2 was a little more complicated... The Matriarch vs. Argent Adept (me), Omnitron X, Team Leader Tachyon, and The Scholar. Thank God for the Scholar, 'cause first turn she pulled out almost every gawldamned one of her birds and shit got real. Every so often we managed to Hypersonic Assault her to force her to NOT do damage before clearing the birds with the Scholar, Omnitron X eventually got going really strong, and Tachyon blitzed her for about 50 or so damage in one turn to Kill it to the Face (tm).

#3 was the tightest game you can possibly play without completely dying... The Dreamer vs. Argent Adept (me again), Omnitron X, Fanatic, and I want to say The Scholar but I'm fuzzy on that... anyway, it went pretty smoothly - if painfully - up until we got her flipped. Then her Projections slowly chopped away at us until Fanatic keeled over... then Scholar... then Argent. Omnitron-X wound up being the last survivor to finally pop the last Projection on his turn and we won... with three incapacitated Heroes and Omnitron-X at 1 Hit Point. His last attack was exactly the amount of Hit Points needed to pop the last projection, too: 1 Hit Point, after Damage Reduction, and it had to be done twice - once on his turn, once on mine with Argent's flip power, to pop the Bear. Environment didn't kill anything on its last turn.


She was just a bit tougher than we initially thought. =p We did play her perfect, though: she didn't take a single point of damage all game.

I have to say I really like The Scholar. You can play him as a simple tank, but if you want you can get pretty interesting things done by using different combinations of the elemental forms. And there are a bunch of nice combo's you can pull of with other heroes. Nice balance between simplicity and (optional) complexity. I wonder if he can ever actually be incapacitated though :D

It does happen, usually due to lots of discard and destroy ongoing effects all at once. I'm looking at you Miss Information........

I played a game against MIss Information and felt she was a real pushover.  The problem was that she seemed to keep hitting the hero with the lowest HP, which for me was Drak Visionary.  Yes, this eventually led to her being incapacitated, but Chrono Ranger and Fanatic were barely getting touched.  By the time I defeated her, they both still had a little more than half their maximum HP.

Nice... so what do you guys think about Omnitron X?


I'm not gonna get to play for a week or two (maybe tomorrow though if I'm lucky) but he seems really powerful in terms of combos, damage, defense... the works. Kind of like a new Tempest. What do you think?


I'm really excited about The Scholar... I always wanted a proper tank and I love the way he kind of chills, sits back, and then every once in a while nukes something. Cant wait to play him.


Also I've been away for a while, working on my own projects, but this expansion inspired me to post some more alternate cards.


OX is a lot like AZ or Bunker in that it is very draw-dependent. It's tutor is pretty good, and it can get pretty insane if left alone (or if the right plating is out to prevent it from taking enough damage) with at least two different game-ending haymakers in addition to its normal array of small effects. Tempest is a good appriximation, although a little more fragile due to the reliance on equipment.