I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on your first few games with ST and sharing mine.
So far, I've played one game, Iron Legacy vs Omintron X, The Scholar and Chrono Ranger in the Final Wasteland. It was a nail biter. After I went through the final environment turn and doled out the damage, I thought I had lost. As I began packing up, I stopped and realized I had, in fact, won. What I had missed was that when Iron Legacy is flipped, he is not immune to environment damage and would thus, have been destroyed. My thoughts on Iron Legacy is that your best chance for success against him is to have at least one, preferably two controllers and a damage dealer. Heroes who require some setup, such as Absolute Zero, are going to struggle against him because games against Iron Legacy are going to be fast and brutal. But if you are able to limit damage and get rid of ongoing cards while having one hero deal out some decent damage, then he may be fairly easy to defeat. Omnitron X was very helpful against Iron Legacy because I was able to reduce the damage dealt and also turn that into attack opportunities. I could never really get The Scholar or Chrono Ranger off the ground, but did get in a couple of decent attacks that made all the difference.