Three Player Skirmish?

So the last time I played we tried a 2v2v2 skirmish and it... didn't work super-well? I Ultimately the game become one about scalping other people's kills: A would wound B's guy, and then C would finish them off.


And we could just do scenarios, sure, but I'm wondering if anyone has come up with rules for skirmishes that don't run into that problem, somehow? Maybe getting points based on damage dealt rather than incapacitations? (But that lowers a lot of the sting of self-damaging powers, a bit.)

You could try, whenever a character is incapacitated, both enemy teams get a point, and play to a higher point total. This might let one team get "free points" by sitting back out of the fray, but if one team starts pulling ahead this way, it becomes in the other two teams' best interests to gang up. And hey, then they both score points!

When we do 3 way fights we do it elimination style.

Instead of needing say 5 points, you have 4 recoveries.

Everytime a character stands up that team loses one of their tokens.

Run out of tokens and an incapped character leaves the board.


This balanced out well because a team that got down would quickly team up with someone else against the curent leader.

There was only one game where a team was out more than one round, because you don't want to finish off someone you can turn against a common enemy.


Also check out some of our forums variant skirmish ideas, I know Spiff has them on his site.  Some of them work really well with 3 teams, esp. the point holding ones or king of the volcano.