Throwing Knives questions from PAX East tournament

In the first semi-final match there was some confusion about a Throwing Knives situation; there was a lot of hurried chatter, but no clear explanation of what should have happened. Could we get a clarification about how it should work?

The Wraith had 2 aim tokens and said she was aiming at Bunker. Rolled 3 dice, and one of them was a 6, so they were all going to be sixes. Then she added in +1 attack tokens, and was told to not even bother rolling them because they would be sixes. Bunker rolled defense and that was resolved. Then The Wraith decided the second target would be a bot, who rolled defense, then The Wraith decided it would be aimed, and it was kind of a mess; they figured it didn't matter because the bot was on The Wraith's team and wanted to be destroyed anyway.

How exactly should this attack (and similar) be handled? Do you declare the two targets up front? If not, and you have two aim tokens, must you declare that you are aiming at the not-yet-decided second target?

I would declare the targets and the aims up front, especially since otherwise you could compare your die rolls before choosing your second target (and choose to aim again after the roll, which is illegal).

You don't have to declare both targets up front, Christopher has said that in the match commentary, but aims must be declared before rolling dice.  It wouldn't matter for that attack though, because the defending player can opt not to block dice anyway, so it is a useless aim.


I'm concerned about the cases where it does matter.

So you're suggesting that you need to aim, but not declare who you are aiming at?

Also, what if you might want to use some Attack +1 tokens on the second as-yet-undeclared target? When do you roll those dice?

I personally don't like the idea of knowing what your dice rolled before you choose your second target.  Rolled poorly?  Go for the guy with the low defense dice.  Rolled well?  Go for the tanky guy you might be able to kill.


I agree as well, but listen to the match from pax east between team meh and spin the Dragon, Christopher goes off about the guy declaring both targets first when he didn't need to.

We just had an extensive discussion, and came to the conclusion that Christopher was incorrect in the match feed from PAX East. For Throwing Knives (and similar multi-target attacks), both targets must be declared before dice are rolled. In addition, any aim tokens must be spent before dice are rolled.

Can someone get me a time for when this is said? I'm not sure where to start looking, and I don't want to have to watch through the whole video to figure it out.

Annotations are neat!