Tight-knit communities event and Drowning question.

Tight-knit communities event:  "for the rest of the turn, towns and cities have +1 health."

Does that health count when exchanging invaders for energy?

I assumed it did, but wanted to check.

Nope. I don’t have the board with me to get the exact text, but I believe it specifically says to ignore health modifiers.

Added a FAQ.

Oh man, I looked everywhere I could think of before asking here.  Forgot the freaking effect text.  

Somewhat related -- if a building is damaged before being drowned, I'm assuming that this is treated similarly like a modifier to their health and is ignored -- is that correct?

This was a little counterintuitive for me, initially. Damage doesn't change a thing's health. If a city takes one damage, it still has three health. Rather than reduce health as a thing gets hurt, and destroying it when its health is reduced to zero, you count the damage up and destroy a thing when the damage meets or exceeds its health.

Right, the rulebook carefully avoids referring to 'HP' anywhere. If a Town takes 1 Damage and then gets its Health lowered by 1, it is immediately destroyed.

It works basically like MtG does.

(Which in turn means that the Dahan are all bears, which makes me happy. )