Toxic Sludge Start of turn effect

Ok. This came up in a game last night.

The Start of turn text for Toxic Sludge reads: At the start of the Environment turn, each player may discard 1 card to destroy an Environment card.

Compare to Hostage Situation: At the start of the Environment turn, each player may discard 1 card each to destroy this card.


I usually read Toxic Sludge the same way as Hostage Situation, i.e. "if everyone discards a card, they can destroy an envrionment card".

However, one of the other players read it as "each player may discard 1 card to destroy 1 envrionment card".

I am trying to clarify the intent. Because 1 card for 1 environment destruction seems very powerful, especially in a five player game.

I read it like you do.

Official ruling that your friend is correct:

It would be more clear if there was an extra 'each' at the end of the sentence.

Thanks, dypaca

You doubted my words?

See if I shoot with stunbolt next time you are using wrest the mind, that'll teach you!

That's going into my clarifications doc right away.  I was sure that should've been read like pwatson thought, too.

Ooh cool...that's another thing I never knew/realised :D.

This seems like an important balancing factor in Rook City.  The built-in destruct clause of Twisting Back Alleys is basically suicide, and Scum and Villainy is another one you don't want to get back around.  Toxic Sludge is heinous all by itself, but at least it holds the heinousness of the other cards in check somewhat.  It even gives you a discount on destroying Blighted Streets as well as bypassing the need to skip dealing damage for a turn, although it can't do anything about the free villain card.

(I need to try sending Warlord Voss to Rook City sometime; he might end up deciding Earth isn't worth the bother of conquering.)