So, there is a story challenge to win with two heros. After giving it a fair amount of thought I took on the Matriarc in the Block with The Scholar and Tempest. The Scholar went befor tempest in turn order.
This worked out really well. I didn't ever think I was doomed or anything, but it was a little harder then I had enticipated. First, the Block was really in my favor as I had a lot of guards come out and basically keep the inmates from getting in the way. They even helped take out the cohorts a number of times. The Scholar was able to use Flesh to Iron to soak up all the damage from killing birds and Tempest too, care of all of them at once regularly. The Scholor ended up doing most of the damage to The Matriarc with a couple of cards that do damage based on the number of targets. I was doing 15 to 20 points of damage at a pop.
I've used Bunkar and Fanatic against Blade (this is the original release, not Enhanced, so H=4) in Megalopolis, and won.
More recently, I've been experimenting with the idea of a two-villain game, where both villains are at half HP, and H is reduced by one. This would be a cakewalk for someone like Tempest, but could be pretty intense otherwise, I think.
Absolute Zero and Tempest vs Baron Blade at the Ruins of Atlantis. Due to the fact that tempest can change the damage type of the whole game it helped Absolute zero attack more and with more powerful blows. Although Tempest didnt not have alot of HP at the end of the game. Absolute Zero made up for it by killing Baron Blade.
How did Tempest change the damage type of "the entire game"? As far as I'm aware, he can only affect damage he deals and receives himself, via his erm...Elemental Sub-Wave Inducer, I think it's called?