There are actually quite a bit of flavor text not having sources, enough that I woudln’t consider it an error. I have noticed a few errors myself, but I’ve forgotten where I’ve seen them.
We’re very aware of the typos and errors and they cause us much emotional duress, but thankfully they’re very few. When the time comes for a second printing they’ll all be corrected.
As for the ones without sources, those are that way intentionally, usually reflecting a more narrative view than the ones that are quotations.
Flavour text: "Water ionized while still in the atmosphere prduces → produces a most rejuvinating → rejuvenating (unless Tempest speaks with a “vi” accent instead of a “ve” accent)
I had cast Doug Jones on the other thread, my intention was for his speech to be about halfway between his Abe Sapien voice and Carl Lumbly’s portrayal of the Martian Manhunter in the Justice League animated series. Since his planet is mostly water, his vocal chords operate completely differently than any earthling’s, so I assume learned to speak English with psychic or technological assistance. In the case of either, his accent would most likely match whoever was around when he was first required to speak English, and if he were to use the same means he should be able to speak any other language without discernible accent. The only times he uses his vocal chords in their natural manner are when he speaks with fish and other aquatic creatures. Such as eels.
The first is on Bunker’s Gatling Gun: “suppresive” instead of “suppressive.”
As for the second… I’m not sure. Looking through Absolute Zero’s cards, there are references to the Freedom Four, which makes sense since he was the last to join and didn’t want to initially. It sounds like, based on the quote on Cryo Chamber, he declined joining in Freedom Four Annual #2. Backstory on the main site says 2 years later he changed his mind and joined up. However, the quote on Isothermic Transducer comes from Freedom Four Annual #7, which I would imagine is more than 2 years later. So… I think that’s supposed to be Freedom Five Annual #7? I’m honestly not sure and just kinda throwing it out there. Apologies if I was just thinking WAY too hard.
Ah-ha! This is the post I was warned about on Twitter! And I’m VERY excited to answer it.
First off, yeah, that’s totally spelled wrong. Goshdarnit.
Secondly, and more excitingly, your suppositions are very much on the right track. You’ve done a good job of mining the flavor text and backstories to piece together our timeline. (I have always hoped this would happen!) It seems like Freedom Four Annual #7 SHOULD be a Freedom Five book . . . but it’s not! There are Freedom Five Annuals #4 and #5, certainly, but for SOME REASON, #7 is a Freedom Four book. On purpose and everything.
Good catch! I’ve been waiting for this very thing. Let the speculation begin! devilish grin
Not exactly a typo, and not in the game, but I figured this was as good a place as any to point it out. In Bunker’s bio on the site, it says “Vance’s platoon was able to escape with zero friendly casualties and only three serious injuries.” In military terms, however, “casualties” refers to the combined total of deaths and injuries. A better word would be “fatalities,” since that specifically refers to deaths.
Or I could be misreading it, and the three serious injuries were on the enemy side, but I somewhat doubt that.
We, uh, found one while playing in the Pike Industrial Complex tonight. Unless you’ve created the concept of “Checmical”, I’m pretty sure the title of the card is supposed to be “Chemical Explosion”.