The team was Argent Adept, Legacy, Expatriette and Golem Unity. They were engaged in an all-out brawl with the Advanced Ennead in the Time Cataclysm. Argent Adept helped Unity ramp up to the point where she was tearing down one member a turn, with her bots being covered by Stealth Bot and Lead from the Front from Legacy. There was a great moment where Fixed Point came out and all damage was redirected to Stealth Bot. Unfortunately, the next turn, with the Ennead flipped and the group between protection methods, an Elemental Storm took out Legacy and most of the bot army.
Unity swiftly retrieved Stealth Bot and Argent Adept set up massive damage reduction on it, via Counterpoint Bulwark and Legacy's incapacitated power. But the overstimulated environment played out a bunch of cards, and the bots were lost once again to a huge Desert's Wrath.
Building up over the next couple of turns, Unity's raptors ripped through Tefnut, leaving only Osiris and Shu. The team experienced indecision for a time, caught between figuring out how to slay Shu and not wanting to kill Osiris, for Unity's sake. As you know, indecision is deadly in an Advanced Ennead game.
Even so, incapacitated Set flipped a Vernal Sonata for Argent Adept, allowing Unity to get back Stealth Bot yet again, but all the damage reduction in the world didn't help when the Grave Beckoned to Unity and Expatriette the next turn.
This left Argent Adept, alive by the grace of Inspiring Supertonic and Musaragni's Harp. He was well set up, but had no one to help! No matter. On his turn, he executed his setup; gain 4 life, draw a card, gain one point of damage reduction. Then on Legacy's turn, he did it again. Then on Expatriette's turn, he did it again. Then I realized I would win this.
Once Argent Adept found Syncopated Onslaught, which didn't take long, it was over. He ripped Osiris apart in one round, even through Atlantean Throne Room, by spamming Syncopated Onslaught and Scherzo of Frost and Flame. Shu followed the turn after, and the rest of the team learned not to mess with the Argent Adept.