Unexpected combinations

Fixer + Rewards in general is just really good for OblivAeon, especially the power ones.  It's why putting a cosmic weapon on him is also a fun time, as is using freindly fire/compulsion canister/hitch a ride with him.

Ra's Excavate is normally a pretty low use card for me but I did find out today that it pairs really well with Akash' Thriya. Ra gets 3 cards and Akash gets to move three seeds from the trash into the deck!

Not really unexpected, but Legacy + Luminary make taking down Ambuscade a breeze.  Luminary can set up a Rube Goldberg of Devices for Amby to detonate while Legacy tanks all the heroes from damage (thanks to Next Evolution). I finished a Terralunar Translocator with 8 cards in trash

Among the many insane interactions that happen in OblivAeon mode, Voidsoul can flip himself several times in a single turn, activating his end-of-turn effect every time he does.  At the end of the scion turn, if he's flipped, he deals some damage and then flips back over.  Then, since it's still the end of the turn, his end-of-turn effect for his front side activates, making a hero target deal every other hero target 2 and 2.  Unfortunately, since I had the objective "Summon the Collosseum" in play, all that damage dealt by a hero target caused that objective to flip, which of course makes Voidsoul flip back over.   Since it's still the end of the scion turn, the whole cycle repeats once again.  It stopped after that for me, but it is definitely possible for it to keep going if another round of damage manages to flip one of the target objectives, like Hellion.

Edit: I realized Voidsoul won't cause damage to villain targets, so he can't cause Hellion to flip.  Other than Summon the Collosseum, I think the only mission he can directly cause to flip is Enraged Terror-Bird.

In a random setup, I discovered the fun of Action Hero Stuntman vs Citizen Dawn.  If he has one or more of Dramatic Cliffhanger, L'Embuscade, No Time to Bleed, or Planquez-Vous!, Steal the Scene, or Stylish Armour in play, Devastating Aurora can be much less devastating.  She destroys something that lets him play a card (or use "All My Own Stunts", which lets him play a card).  Behold, In Medias Res cancels the rest of the Aurora!  So satisfying.

In another random setup, I realized that Luminary's Terralunar Translocator (destroy non-character cards) would be really effective against Apostate, who can get really annoying if he gets a lot of relics out.  Though Apostate didn't last long enough for that to be a problem.  I'll have to play him again and neutralize his relics...

That is a sweet way to sidestep Devastating Aurora!

Vs. Voss with an otherwise random setup, I got DW Expat, Golem Unity, Setback, and VG Medico.  I was very glad that I already had Stealth Bot in play when Surprise Shopping Trip came out.  Then Voss dropped a Forced Deployment, and I thought I was going to be in trouble.  But since Voss didn't have any guards in play or the trash, all I had to do was remove Forced Deployment early.  First minion comes back, Shopping Trip pings all the bad guys while Stealth Bot shields the heroes.  Next minion comes back, it happens again.  Third minion comes out, first minion is dead, repeat...  (For a moment, I wondered if I had an infinite loop where the minions would keep coming out of the trash, but you remove them all first, then put them into play.)  When it was done, there were only two minions left, with 1 & 2 HP each, easily taken care of.

I knew that Expat could give Voss fits with Hairtrigger Reflexes with some damage boosts, picking off minions as they arrive (or even better, return).  But if Parse has one or both copies of Exploit Vulnerability in play, Maerynean Refuge's Hurricane Shield can do likewise.


Well, I learned a new one today. The Naturalist's Indomitable Force is the only hero cadd I know of that redirects damage by source, not target. He ranks all damage by villain targets, no matte who they're targeting. 

Which means that if he has it out and then a couple of AkashBhuta limbs get killed, she will punch the Naturalist for 20 damage instead of herself...

Oh, that's... interesting. o.O And doesn't make a whole lot of sense. And isn't actually how the card is written.

I would consider reporting that as a bug, Akash'Bhuta isn't a hero target.

That sounds more like you used Threatenting Stomp in Akash'Bhuta.  Otherwise some other affect redirected that damage to Naturalist or that's a bug for Indomitable Force 

Oh, hrm. I did play a Threatening Stomp that turn. I thought that I’d hit a Rockslide with it, but maybe I misclicked and punched Akash without noticing.

This works kind of exactly as expected, but...ever aim an Inferno Missile Pod at Termi-nation Absolute Zero?

Wow, I hadn’t thought of that. But here’s once better: do this, but have Visionary play “Twist the Ether” on Benchmark, so if he has multiple cards under “Inferno Missile Pod”, he can hit AZ first with fire damage, which AZ then amplifies and sends back out, and then Benchmark hits AZ again, this time with cold damage to heal him back up. Continue alternating at will.

I just tried this and with half a dozen cards under “Inferno Missile Pod”, and Benchmark and AZ were able to do about 50 points of damage to Akash’Bhuta in a completely repeatable manner. By the time the heroes got set up (surprisingly fast all things considered), Akash’Bhuta only lasted one round under this onslaught.

Thanks for the suggestion of interesting interactions.

Yeah, Twist the Ether always amplifies everything to do with Absolute Zero. It's not necessary, though - as you said, you can choose the effect of each "missile" individually, so if Abs is fully set up you can still alternate the effect of his cold damage between attacks and self-heals. Especially Termi-Nation Absolute Zero: his modifiers make for plenty of self-healing even without turning the original missile into cold damage.

I had another fun one yesterday. If Guide high-fives Stuntman, "Uh, Yeah, I'm That Guy" takes on the on-destruction effects of EVERY card Stuntman has in play. If you destroy "Uh, Yeah" when Stuntman has multiple Ongoing cards in play, they you get to trigger each effect in the order you choose. Pro tip: make sure you have multiple powers at your disposal...

Wow - hadn’t thought of that one either. Will have to give it a try.

You know, I’ve probably played hundreds (thousands???) of games of SotMV (mostly in the app but a lot with physical cards), and I think I know how to use most/all of the decks, but I still get (pleasantly) surprised by these kinds of interactions between cards in different decks. What a great game.

Thanks again Trajector for the insight.

There are similar effects between Guise and Mainstay too.   

My new favorite combo is Twist the Ether on Blood Mage Lifeline in the Court of Blood with Unhallowed Halls out. All the enemies take boosted Infernal damage and you can make Lifeline hit himself for 0 radiant damage with his power.

Found a fun one, not going to dig through all 500+ posts to find if its been posted before.

Just played a random game with Action hero Stuntman, Legacy, and 2 others against regular Spite. Spite got out his PL626 (Deal damage and discard every time a hero uses a power) after a few rounds, and I realized there was a fun interaction that was set up. Stuntman played Moving Target and Legacy played Heroic Interception. Once Spite tried to deal his many instances of AoE damage, Stuntman got a power use. Using his base power to increase damage and play a card, he played his pistol. Spite promptly tried to hit him again, which gave a new power use. Using the pistol dealt damage and allowed him to play the flame thrower. Spite repeats, and Stuntman flambes him. After that, it was Stuntman's turn and I basically repeated the same sequence. Between those two turns and Legacy's Galvanize, Stuntman did ~40 damage in those two turns. Legacy pulled a second Heroic Interception, and Spite went splat before flipping :D
