I brought my EE to my comic shop for game night tonight. A few of my friends have been chomping at the bit to try it. We played two games, both five players with Legacy (me in a support role for the folks who hadn't played before), Fanatic, Tachyon, Ra, and The Visionary. The first game was against Omnitron to teach everyone the game. We won handily. The second game everyone had picked up the mechanics pretty well so we switched to Citizen Dawn. We beat her without her ever flipping, thus earning me 50 points on the story challenges. Yay!
Our battle against Citizen Dawn went as such. At the start of play she wound up with Anvil, Hammer, Spring, and Assault. She plays her top card and it's Healing Light (no effect). Then I took 3 damage from Citizen Dawn and everyone took 3 fire, 1 melee from the citizens. Round 1 we took out Anvil, Hammer, and Assault. Round 2 Citizen Dawn played Return with the Dawn, which put Citizen Sweat into play. The Visionary removed Return with the Dawn and the rest of us piled on damage. Round 3 set us back when Citizen Dawn played Devastating Aurora but she never got another citizen into play. Round 4 brought out another Healing Light. I can't remember if turn 5 was the last or if Citizen Dawn got Luminous Light into play only to have The Visionary quash that, too. In the last round of play, Channel the Eclipse hit the table and helped us along. In the end, Tachyon took out Citizen Dawn with a pair of Hypersonic Assaults.
The Visionary had a number of contingency plans in place to keep Citizen Dawn from flipping. On turn 3 she asked when that would happen and I let her read Citizen Dawn's card. She said, "oh, hell no!" and didn't let it happen. It was a great game.