Video walkthrough in Kickstarter

I remember first getting into SotM through drakkenstrike's video walkthrough. It introduced the rules well enough for me to know what I'm getting into. Much later, this video walkthrough ( was made and it too made a great entry point for people who are new to the game.

Conversely, the short 'instructional' videos made by GtG themselves were terrible at introducing the game. I'm sorry, but it's true (in my opinion). I would *not* have bought SotM if those 'official' instructional videos were the only ones I saw.

So, the point I want to make is that, as awesome as GSF may/could/will be, an equally awesome walkthrough / instructional video is going to be paramount in introducing this game to the community. I think something like that is going to be essential for the Kickstarter campaign. And it should be there from day 1, not tagged on later as the campaign progresses. A draft version of the official rulebook will also be much appreciated.

This coming from a potential backer's perspective. 2 cents.

I agree with that.  The official videos introduced the characters but showed you almost nothing about the game itself.  I'm not sure if an instructional video is essential for their Kickstarter campaigns though, since they've done very well without one.

Just because you have done well without one doesn't mean you wouldn't do even better with one. I cannot speak much for the official videos, but the various playthroughs I have seen online including the one listed above were very helpful when I was deciding to buy SotM. In contrast, I have seen other playthrough videos that have turned me off from a game and have also opted not to pick up a game when I couldn't find enough information on game play. Giving full disclosure to the consumer such as gameplay video and playthroughs, while time consuming to produce, are very useful pieces of marketing. Or maybe I just do too much research/homework on the games I buy.  

As much as I would like this, I really don't see this happening. Many KS projects have some sort of gameplay overview, but not a full instructional video. The game won't even be finalized by the time KS starts (though there won't be any major changes, just some squeaking). Nor will they have a copy that they would want to show in an instructional video. There are few things that poeple won't do/buy without some sort of review, but most of the time this doesn't happen until the product is released or just before. If this is a serious issue, then wait until it is released, you are supporting GtG either way. I do realize the potential to lose some KS only promotionals, but this is a decision you will have to make.

Keep in mind, KS isn't really meant as a preorder system, although it is turning out to be. It is meant to get the initial funds for the first printing and gauge interest. But in either case, you are relying on the general overview and the companies reputation, not the specifics of the gameplay. (I could be very wrong here but didn't want to derail the thread with this issue.)

I agree that this would be fantastic, but I don't think it is going to happen.

EDIT: I just wanted to add in that I think it would be almost necessary to give some description of what deck-building means here and whether its similar to Dominion or Ascension or something new.

Video of gameplay would be nice. Cause this usually gives people a more general idea of the game. Like otherwise you are buying into an idea but not sure how the game actually works.

Even simple rule book - would be great for people to see if the game sounds interesting to them.


What I am more interested is possible saving by combining this shipment with Vengeance especially for international backers.

Odds of a Kickstarter video for GSF are fairly high.

That’s great! Will it be a full instructional video or just an overview?

Any chance of combining the shipment of Vengeance for those backers??

This +1

Generally speaking, if it's your first game produced, you don't have the funds to get a good initial print and make a video for it. For example, I'm developing a game that I actually really like, but I don't have the ability to produce the art in the quality I want it to be, print it, and then make a video showing it off in a live game, which would run in the range of maybe five large. I need to first run a Kickstarter with a more… simplified instructional manual and blank example cards in order to show off how the game plays and gauge interest, all the way stating (much better art is on the way if we're funded). The video would have to come later, once the art is produced and paid for and a first run of quality prints made.

On the other hand, >G does appear to have the ability to make a good first print run for making a video, which is a different matter altogether; their company is already going strong and pickin' up a full head o' steam. I'm actually looking forward to it, so I can see if I want to recommend our gaming group pick up the new game. =)

Wait, I thought you guys weren't going to use Kickstarter anymore?

I think it's only Sentinels that won't use the Kickstarter but other games will.

Ahh, got it.

Just to clarify, what we've said in the past (and what remains true) is that we will no longer use Kickstarter to fund expansions to the Sentinels of the Multiverse card game.

Maybe I'm paranoid, but the inclusion of 'card game' seems unnecessary... Is it possible that >G plan to Kickstart other Sentinels products?

Gods, I hope so.

I hope there is a KS for comics books, action figures, tv shows, radio shows (like the old Batman and Superman), movies, and a Mobile Defense Platform (with real lasers...pew..pew).

I would love to be part of a radio show for Sentinels.

That seems like a thing that this community could probably make happen...

Kickstarting a Mobile Defense Platform… :neutral_face: :+1:

I think we should Kickstart a Mr. Chomps plushy. :grin:

I'd like a KS for a Sentinels movie.

Oh wait…  :wink: