Web Comic

I think a mini web comic series of SotM would be awesome. Just putting it out there.

I’d really like to see long form comic books myself - especially some of the comics mentioned in the flavor text.

I’d enjoy that as well, I was actually discussing it with a friend after I had bought it and played him. I just wonder how hard it would be to turn the script in the right direction to had in the flavor text to the appreriate issues.

It’s something we’re considering working on, though right now we’re debating whether shorter webcomic-style stories or full-length comics would be a better move. On the scripting note, we have very talented writers. I always enjoy putting them through their paces, and would love to have the existing flavor text in there. Keep an eye out for updates!

Maybe a combination of both? I personally would prefer the shorter webcomics, since it will take less time imbetween comics and different character’s comics will be released faster aswell.

Yeah and if there are enough of them, they can be printed in a hardcover or something.

Another option is to release them in a fashion similar to Warren Ellis’ Freakangels. That is a page at a time online, followed by a print run.

That is a great idea.

I’m curious about the interest level in this, so I added a poll!

Also, this seems to be more on topic than off topic, so I moved it :slight_smile:

I agree that comics would be fun to see in the future.

I actually like the idea of one page at a time, depending on how frequently it is released.

Another vote here for one page at a time but I would also take long form webcomic style ala Order of the Stick.

If it were a page at a time, it would be at least once a week, more as allowing. I’d most likely commit to one a week and probably end up getting 2-4.

Any news on if this great idea is going to happen maybe?

It is something we’re definitely planning on, we’re just working out the logistics right now, but keep your eyes peeled!

This is definitely going to happen, but not until the expansion is nearly complete (several months from now, most likely).

Awesome. Thanks for answering guys. Can’t wait.

I’m curious, what will the over all feel of the comic book be? On the campy side with Wraith pulling a live fish from her utility belt, more dark, with Visionary exploding peoples brains, or some where in between?

I would say somewhere in between. We take our characters very seriously, but the world they live in is more than a bit tongue-in-cheek. So expect light-hearted, but don’t think that means we’ll skimp on the plot.