Weekly One-Shot #274: Blood Bath & the Bombs

Mis-titled? Wrong setup? Setback get into the code again? Who knows, we’re doing it LIVE!

Advanced Baron Blade at the Enclave of the Endlings versus Harpy, Mainstay, Captain Cosmic, and Lifeline. The title and description indicate it should be at the Court of Blood with Mad Bomber Blade, but as of this writing it is still as above.

Good luck heroes!

Mint, with everyone low just because I was lazy and let a large Devious Destruction hit everyone for 7 on his last turn. I could have ended with everyone except Mainstay above 10 but it would have taken another few rounds. Mainstay went down earlier due to a badly timed Slamara playing School of Hard Knocks with a bunch of Endlings out.

Otherwise, was a pretty standard Baron Blade fight, even with Advanced. Flip him fast, then beat him down slower due to his DR. Harpy got a lot of ongoings out and started to feed Lifeline card plays, and Lifeline blew stuff up with Cosmic Immolation. Cosmic was there mostly to keep low hp targets in play to soak up Endling and Blade’s flip side damage.


It was a good time beating the crap out of him as fast as possible.

Then I finished with only Harpy and Mainstay up. c.c; The back side was too close for comfort, though I definitely wouldn’t have had a victory without Cosmic Immolation.

Mint, but it was CLOSE.

Blade had 11 cards in the trash, and then Slamara came out, playing 2 Hastens and a Consider the Price of Victory, leading to 19 cards in the trash and 4 top of deck plays before the beginning of his turn and a the Moon being pulled into the Earth.

And on the very last play, I was able to flip him. phew

Then it was a bit of a chore because he played the ForceField and had -2 DR.

Then Mainstay put him in a Headlock and it was all over.

Sounds like people aren’t using Ley-Line Shift at all. Granted, it accelerates Blade’s plot, but I actually played Slamara using it, and avoided the card play he would have gotten anyway.

Okay, I’m missing something. What’s up with the title?

Easy fight, over in under 5 rounds. MInt with the heroes at 12/10/13/15. For the most part the heroes ignored the Endlings (though they did take out a few when extra attacks presented themselves) and just punched punched punched Baron Blade. I think Blade only had 9 cards in his trash when he flipped.

Overall, things were pretty straight-forward, though I did make a few mistakes. For one, by the end of round 3, the heroes had Baron Blade down to 1 hit point, and decided to not flip him yet since they had time and to spare themselves from an extra attack from Blade. So of course the environment attacked Blade and flipped him. :wink: Also, don’t play “Wounding Buffer” on “I hate myself and attack myself at the drop of a hat” Lifeline. That caused Lifeline and the construct to needlessly attack each other over and over again. Opps!

Every hero really helped out. Harpy played “Applied Numerology” on her first turn and that came in really handy. She also did a lot of damage and aided her teammates. The last turn she played “Direct Strike” (a card I don’t use that often) and was able to do 8 points of damage to Blade. Nice.

Mainstay was a heavy hitter, and played “Headlock” on Blade as soon has Blade flipped. What’s that Baron, you have a -2 Damage Reduction? You mean “you HAD a -2 Damage Reduction”. Mainstay took a lot of abuse for keeping Blade in a headlock, but it really paid off.

Captain Cosmic played 3 “Harsh Offense” cards in the first 2 rounds for 12 points of total damage. That might be a record amount of damage from him for me. And he was getting well set up to aid his teammates when the game ended.

And Lifeline was a great help, dishing out lots of damage (sometimes to himself and constructs) and giving teammates extra powers and card plays.

The Endlings did some nickle&dime damage to the heroes, but nothing too serious. In a fast fight against Baron Blade, I just pretty much ignored them unless an opportunity presented itself.

Fun fight. 5/5. Would fight again.

I actually used (the same!) “Ley-Line Shift” twice in the game. Once I did it to let Harpy play “Lash of the Elements” and I guess move Slamara to the trash without realizing what a threat I causally avoided. The next round I used it to play “Unleash Energy” and did realize I also avoided a second “Devious Disruption” from Baron Blade - I realized what a bullet the heroes dodged there.

It appears that a mistake was made coding this week’s episode. “Blood, Bath, and the Bombs” is meant to be a play on Bed, Bath, and Beyond, which is a store that sells household goods (with the joke in the write-up being that the heroes have been invited to the Court of Blood for a sale.) So Blood for the Court of Blood, and Bombs for Baron Blade.

Except that the fight is in the Enclave of the Endlings instead, so the reference doesn’t work (and, I suspect, the way that the environment is stacked is meant to have some interactions with everyone’s cards but doesn’t because it’s the wrong environment.)

Oh, I never even thought of BB&B. :B And mine just closed down last month, too.

I’m normally quite fond of Slamara, but she was a real $#&@ in this fight. First time I played, I allowed the Baron to stay unflipped long enough for her to come out, and what does she play? Hasten Doom into Hasten Doom into Consider the Price, which could have been Moonfall, but I think because I’d been burning him down at complete exclusion of any sort of defense, he actually just plain killed us all.

So this time I made sure to kill the usually irrelevant Elemental Redistributor, though not before it deflected half of Urdid’s one chance to attack Blade instead of Lifeline. And when Slamara appeared post-shuffle, while the Backlash Field she gave Blade was tolerable, Mainstay went to the School of Hard Knocks and didn’t come back, since he’d gone way down in HP from getting really seriously up in the Baron’s personal space (Mano a Mano + Headlock, doesn’t get much more invasive than that).

So when her last card play was Matter Manipulator for Lifeline with his Alien Arcana, he swung his Nordidian Sulf-Axe with Cosmic Immolation and killed her on the spot. Serves her right. The three damage to Blade and his Battalion was just a bonus at that point.