Weekly One-Shot #301: Slash and Burn

Boards have been pretty quiet this week. Finally got around to completing this. As you can see, classic Blade in Insula Primalis vs. F6 Bunker, Fanatic, F5 Wraith, F6 Tempest, and F5 Legacy.

Not much to say about it. Finished at the beginning of Tempest’s 3rd turn, with everyone still in double digits. I guess the challenge is who was able to end it earlier?

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Not me - I was into round 4, flipped Blade and finished him off in the same round.

Oh, come to think of it, it must actually have been round 4 for me, too. Environment had played three cards. I think Blade got to be on his flip side for two turns.

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Round 4 on Bunker’s power phase for me.

Pretty easy Mint, this one. Can’t have too much trouble with Legacy on your team. :slight_smile:


Well I don’t remember what round it was, but I am sure I never once felt even the slightest sense of danger.

For comparison, Baron Blade did manage to beat these heroes a couple days later, so I’m not sure what made the difference, other than Legacy.

Either way, I figured this week was a wind-down from #300. Hopefully the next one will provide a bit of a challenge again. (But not too much of one, as my efforts to catch up with recent weeklies have been stymied a bit by WAY too many of them being at Ultimate.)

I haven’t had much time to play the weekly one-shots lately, but had a few minutes, so I gave this one a try. WAY easy (not that I’m complaining).

I won with a mint on Legacy’s turn in round 4 with the heroes at 27/28/28/20/27. I purposely did not flip Baron Blade until Bunker’s turn on the final round and easily beat him down with the other heroes in that round. In fact, I could have finished a bit faster, but decided to let Tempest and Legacy heal up the team a bit before Legacy punched Blade into the ground for his second action on his turn.

The heroes all did what you would expect them to. Wraith got set up fast, Tempest took a bit longer and the rest were in the middle. Freedom Five Bunker’s innate power came in real handy to get rid of Blade’s “Backlash Field”. And once the heroes started punching (buffed by one or two “Obsidian Field” cards), they were unstoppable.

The environment was pretty kind to the heroes. It played one stupid Pterodactyl (which quickly got shot down) and then two “Obsidian Field” cards to help buff all the heroes’ damage. And since the heroes didn’t flip Blade until after his turn on the last round, Blade really did not benefit from those boosts.

Simple but fun match. The person who set this up isn’t evil, cruel or sadistic at all!