Weekly One-Shot #315 - "Wrapping with Guise"

Presumably this is the Christmas episode we would have gotten last week if not for the unmovable feast of Pi Day.

That feel when your team is so outrageously powerful that you wish the villain had more HP. Everyone but Argent ran out of cards because of a Divine Focus, Guise copying same, and Rebel Yell playing out Legacy’s whole kit; Helena engaged in her usual brinkmanship, and then died when I miscalculated around Tyler Hayes, but those were the only two downsides.

Kismet was clobbered ridiculously fast because of Legacy and Fanatic, and Guise bought everybody three presents and then insisted that we not finish Kizzy off until he got to unwrap everything. Unfortunately, I forgot his Two Left Feet jinx, so when he played Total Beefcake and stumbled over his own sex appeal, the barely-conscious Gabrielle plumb fainted away, like a schoolmarm with a touch of the vapors. So Guise never got to find out what he bought himself for Christmas; hopefully the time portal will bring him back to December 24 and he can try it again.

This is just a fun excuse to pile up presents and unwrap them out of turn for massive damage. :slight_smile: Not a hard fight at all. I made it last longer than necessary by forgetting I had picked Fanatic with Argent’s power specifically so she could play Wrathful Retribution and then not doing that. <.<

Ashamed to say I got a near mint due to getting Lost in the Past the first time. Kismet started with Inconceivable Obstruction, I foolishly thought I could deal with it and didn’t need to blow it up, and wound up putting the the entire environment deck in the trash, and have it reshuffle just in time to spell our loss.

Didn’t see either of those cards the next match, and got an easy win.

Dealt pretty good hands to begin with, and Kismet never got more than a few Jinxes out that I could easily destroy. When nearly every turn can be a chain of power grants another power, gives a card play and another power, yet another card play and a power you can get setup quite nicely. The diciest turn was Fanatic top-decking an End of Days, but AA had a melody that swept it off the board. Big damage dealers were Guise paying his Pulp Fiction reference, then unwrapping a Barbarian while an Explosives Wagon was in play. Made sure he had plenty of fodder in hand for that turn. Fanatic also top-decked Wrathful Retribution at about half health, and Legacy kept doing his Motivational Charge to keep everyone healthy. No big threats from the environment either - none of those Hayes boys showed their faces this time.

Fanatic died for me in large part because of two Sustain the Portals, and since she was clearly doomed anyway and I’d already used up both the Divine Focuses, I had her discard to the Sustains both times, once immediately before her own death. A later Temporal Event confirmed that Lost in the Past was gone, so in all likelihood Fanatic had used her Hostly powers to prevent this alt-loss from happening, without anybody knowing she was doing it. You can’t get much more fitting than that.


I almost killed myself pretty handily when, with an Explosives Wagon out, Legacy opened all of his presents from Guise and flipped Surge of Strength and then three Heroic Interceptions, dealing himself fifteen damage.

I can’t imagine what Legacy did to earn that pile of coal.

But I still pulled it together, and finished the game with everyone still standing. Fanatic and Legacy were well into the single digits, but Guise and Adept were both in the high teens, so I probably would have been fine even with a couple more bad pulls.

Interesting thing that I discovered, and probably should have recognized: if Guise steals the Adept’s instrument, he can activate songs in the Argent Adept’s play area, but those songs affect the Adept, not Guise. The rewrite effect on stolen equipment only covers the instrument itself, not any abilities it activates.


Never have been quite sure how that worked, so I usually just avoid playing Lemme See That! Good to know instruments can be used without the song ongoings in Guise’s area.

Uh, hi there @fjur. According to the software, you just performed an Edit (changing nothing) on my OP. Neverminding the why; I’m curious as to HOW this was possible.

Sorry for the necromancy. I just moved this thread from #games (where it was originally posted) to #games:sotm-the-video-game (because I’m pedantic), which the system must count as editing the thread’s top post. As a Regular I can move threads. Don’t worry though, I can’t edit whatever posts I want however I want.

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Ah, I see. Didn’t even realize I’d put it in the wrong forum back then. Oh well, you learn something new every day. Thanks, Fjur.