Weekly One-Shot #334: The Most Dangerous Game

I could’ve sworn we’d had a One-Shot with this title before, but I guess I was making things up. Nothing to it, as you can see. Pretty much who can smash and shoot faces the fastest. It’s not like there was a triple chain reaction of device destruction when Charged Attacks were out. Everyone’s fine. We’re all fine. nervous chuckle :hot_face: :face_exhaling:

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Not sure about going fast, I took my sweet time with this one. I even found out the Entry Points are buried pretty deep.


I counted myself lucky each turn that went by without one. I was able to use one Gazelle card (in Croc form) to stack the deck, force a shuffle, and avoid the cloaking device ever coming out. I did wipe out the Reactive Platings first, otherwise I never would’ve just barely survived. And an Entry Point coupled with Charged Attacks would’ve definitely been the end of me!

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I had a couple Cloaking Device appearances, but the second time I let it stick around so Haka could eat it.

He ate a lot of things that day. :slight_smile:

Short, easy, fun.


Knocked down the Reactive Plating, then the other Reactive Plating, then the Personal Cloaking Device… Winced as Frost’s Cryo Chamber set off both Sonic Mines, then laughed as their effects immediately wore off on Ambuscade’s turn…

Then a Haka Of Battle charged up a 16-point Taiaha, and Expatriette Unloaded for another 14, and poor Ansel started to reconsider his life choices.


Count me in the “yes, it was a Mint, but ouch” category of player. Like Thunderbird, I ended with all three heroes alive but in single digits, and like Thunderbird it was because I foolishly allowed a Charged Attacks-reaction to take 8-12 health off each hero.

Still, a mint’s a mint!


I don’t usually do one-shot, but this one seemed so easy I was curious to see what the catch was.
And the catch was it had no catch.
I didn’t to outthink the decks and played as I would have played a normal game.
I managed to sort the decks to avoid the cold chamber, Haka ate the cloaking device and a bunch of weapons, mines were taken when Naturalist can protect the others.
No charged attack, no flamethrower … everyone ended at 25+ life.

A nice little relaxing game. :slight_smile:


There’s never a “catch.” You can see how I make one-shots here, it’s the same as you play any game of Sentinels. Creating a Weekly One-Shot for Sentinels of the Multiverse - YouTube


Well that was easy. I never saw Charged Attacks. Was super afraid he’d Vanish for a second time after surviving at 2 HP, but he decided not to drag matters out any further.

It’s amusing how several games do essentially have a “catch”, even though they aren’t designed that way deliberately. Kind of an “infinite diversity in infinite combinations” thing, neatly enough. One of the reasons I do genuinely enjoy this game, despite my many criticisms.