Weekly One-Shot #358: Rust Remover

Near Mint.

As bad as Iron Legacy is, Surprise Shopping Spree was exceptionally painful, bringing my heroes down to critical health just as they were ready to launch an offensive. In my second game, I had characters skip turns until I could have Surprise Shopping Spree removed. Bunker and Chrono-Ranger still went down, but they were really only around to remove ongoing cards, which Bunker does whether he’s conscious or not. Otherwise, Tachyon stockpiled her cards and everyone backed her play until she could burst Iron Legacy down.

I somehow made it through with a very comfortable Mint. :open_mouth: You’re given a lot of options from the start to clear Iron Legs’ board, and then he just doesn’t put up much of a fight. I might’ve lost Bunker, but who didn’t see that coming.

I screwed this one up incredibly badly, starting with discarding Bunker’s Mode because I didn’t remember how Locomotion works, and with my worst mistake being an Experiment on Parse where I revealed Impossible Shot and Targeting Arrow, and played them in that order. So no Mint of course; we’ll see what happens on try 2, whenever I feel like being thrashed that hard again.