Weekly One-Shot #360: Realm of Discourse

Matriarch vs. Freedom Five Absolute Zero, Akash’Thriya, Xtreme Prime Wardens Argent Adept, Benchmark: Supply and Demand, and Freedom Five Bunker.

A surprisingly easy Mint. I forget how out of control Absolute Zero gets with Thermal Shockwave and lots of per turn damage. (Focused Apertures + 2xImpale + card played) AZ almost accidentally took himself out in the last round with an 18 point shockwave, but held on enough to burn down Matriarch. AA and Bunker let the other three get all the cards they needed out quickly and at the right time before anything bad could happen.

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Mint here too. For me Benchmark was the superstar with Countermeasures to kill birds as they attacked, while Akash’Thriya soaked up what of Matty’s damage wasn’t prevented by her Vines. Having Argent use Rebel Yell on AT a bunch of times… that totally rocked! (With literal rocks.). I remember a bunch of awesome moments from this fight that have been forgotten in the intervening day or two; I don’t think I’ve ever been less annoyed by Realm of Discord, with none of the really awful cards coming out, just a bunch of early Portal Fiends which were no trouble. Muninn was safely buried deep in the deck, and double Impales on Matty made short work of her.

Yeah, this was maybe the most fun I’ve ever had playing the Matriarch? In that I actually had fun, getting Reinforced Chassis and Intervening Path Calculator out so that, eventually, no one was taking damage except the Matriarch, who was being slowly eaten by the environment. :smiley:

VOD: Twitch