Weekly one shot #378: Out of the Frying Pan

Ambuscade has returned with a Vengeance! Bringing along Plague Rat, Biomancer, Baron Blade and Greazer in a Challenge match to take on last week’s team of Luminary, Super Scientific Tachyon, Omnitron-X, Rogue Agent K.N.Y.F.E., and Freedom Five Bunker, this time in Magmaria.

And it may have taken me three or four tries, but I finally got to this:

Which is the best loss I’ve had yet. I’m spinning my wheels on this one. It may require some group think. Anyone have clues out there? What I’ve tried so far or noticed:


Tried to build up Luminary, but just as I power up the Orbital Death-Laser, Ambuscade pulls out 2 Enticing Targets and it’s game over.
Tried to build up Omnitron-X. If he can get Ablative Coating out, he stands up well to Plague Rat and most of Biomancer’s Fleshchildren. Couldn’t get it to work out, though.
Tried focusing on Baron Blade. If he isn’t the highest health target, Plague Rat will attack other villains instead. But as it stands, he attacks Baron Blade who is immune to villain damage.
Tried focusing on Tachyon and that gave my best results. There were a few misplays so maybe it’s still the way to go.

Other notes:

  • Killing Biomancer’s Fleshchildren is useless. He just heals up and gets more cards. Except for a few exceptional ones, don’t bother. I can’t figure out a way to overwhelm his damage reduction and take him out.
  • Baron Blade is mostly harmless in this one except that he soaks up Plague Rat’s damage.
  • Plague Rat is good for killing off Nemesis cards that you can’t normally hit easily because of Glamour
  • Omnitron-X’s Defensive Blast is an excellent way to harm the Nemesis villains and Biomancer. If you do it when Omnitron-X is the highest health hero, then Glamour’s redirect will go back to him and he will harmlessly soak up the damage.

I believe this was my third attempt. Three 1/2 key things seemed to be:

  1. Focus on Enticing Targets. This is both getting rid of the first one quickly, and using KNYFE to avoid two of them coming out later (by discarding Shrewd Ambush from the top of the deck at the right time using Wrecking Uppercut).
  2. Avoid AOE. This is just asking for Glamour to make you hit yourself.
  3. Focus on boosting Luminary/keeping him alive. He carried for me, and the changing point was when his Explosive Reconstuctor appeared. Disposable Defenders, in particular, were incredibly helpful.
    3 1/2. Hit Biomancer whenever there will be two or more instances of damage in a turn. Not sure how helpful this really was, but I won so who knows?

My priorities were:

  1. Ambuscade
  2. Biomancer
  3. Plague Rat
  4. Baron Blade

Hope this is helpful!

I can’t figure this this one out. There was one time I got Ambuscade and plague rat out but baron still had full health when I died. I thought controlling the rat handlers would be important but it with baron being immune to his damage didn’t work for me.

Unfortunately, as fiddly as this one is, I don’t really have any advice to give. D: This team isn’t nearly as good at team mode, for all that Omnitron wrecks with Defensive Blast.

Can’t even use defense blast for anything with glamor out. I had a hard time finding any damage reduction cards as well.

The best thing about Defensive Blast is that it deals the same damage Omnitron is currently tanking.

So if he’s highest? Glamour isn’t worth a hot fart in the wind. And better yet, you’ll actually get damage through on other nemeses!