Weekly one shot #389: Fortune Favors the Bold

Can Kismet’s karma conquer Captain Cosmic and his comrades? Within these pages, true believers, you can find the answer!
Advanced Kismet vs. Freedom Six Wraith, Captain Cosmic Requital, Bowman, Ra, and Omnitron-U in the Tomb of Anubis.

With a randomized start, you never know what’s going to happen, which is appropriate for Kismet. When she pulled Inconceivable Obstruction and Lady Luck on the same turn, I was in a lot of trouble. Followed by a lot of healing. The Talisman’s power is very useful in this matchup.
Next game went a lot better with a lot of burning and razor ordianances so even with a few lucky card heals, Kismet went down quickly- though just in time considering the hp of the standing heroes.

Not gonna lie, I had to look up the card when I read this… because I never use that power.

Bowman and Omni were solid! Both in dealing damage and in destroying unwanted non-Hero cards :muscle:

Got it just before the weekly refresh! Amazing how you can just shut down Kismet entirely with a couple Throat Jabs. I did use the Talisman power to make the Tomb not so bad, too.