What archetypes would you like to see?

Obviosly it is pointless to suggest heroes and villains, it might even bring up some legal ickyness (“You guys stole my character!”). That said the designers have done a spectacular job of taking the general hero archeotypes one expects and putting a good spin on them (Haka is a great “Warrior” and Legacy is a nice take on the “Americas Greatest Hero”… not to mention how Mr. Fixer is an extremely unconventional “Martial Artist”). So what other hero and villain archeotypes would you like to see? Any clue on how the game would support them mechanically?


Adventuring Inventor: Basically your “smartest man on earth” type, with our without some sort of powers. Abilities would include equipment and power searching (power: “invent: discard a card, search for a card”) and lots of situational specific cards: shrink rays to get rid of envirmental and villain cards, time manipulators to recover cards from the trash and regain health, adaptable blasters that change damage types, etc. Inspiration: Reed Richards, Hank Pym, Hank McCoy.

Mystical Problem Solver: 99% likely to be in the next expansion, so nothing much to add. Just hope she has a little bit of that reality warping “If you let me concentrate I can fix this” style in her mechanics. Inspiration: Zatanna, Stephen Strange.


King of vampires: Each turn brings in more zombies, more werewolves and more neonate vampires. He controls and manipulates the heroes, and appears to be immortal. Conceptually I’m thinking somebody tough like Spite (lots of health stealing) but with a healthy supply of supernatural minions. Maybe the means to destroy the supernatural leader are at the bottom of his deck, so you want to get him to flip so the deck is shuffled and you get a chance of finding the artifacts sooner. Example: If Vampire Dude would be reduced to zero and his coffin is not in the villain trash, flip him. Flipped vampire dude: shuffle the villain deck. cannot take damage or have damage redirected to it, regains 5 hp per turn, play a card at the end. When he has 15 hp or more, flip him. Coffin: 10 hp, redirect all damage from coffin to the villain or villain card with the highest hp.

Endless Ninja cult: I would like to see a powerful cult leader with an endless supply of ninjas, kind of like The Matriarch. Many of these cards would have an effect when they come in, to represent them backstabbing, stealing, etc. Also you want to prevent them from pilling up, since cards like “rain of arrows” or “gang up” which deals damage based on the number of ninjas. Attacking the leader also causes damage to the attacker based on the number of ninjas in play, so it is smarter to fight your way through rather than charge him.

Reality Dude Maybe he has an artifact that controls reality, or he is a nightmare god, of a he is the manifestation of another dimension… all we know is that this dude warps reality. This would be a super tough individual who is able to redirect enviromental damage and also use cards against heroes. Stuff like having heroes take damage based on ongoing cards, revealing until they get a one-shot and having that effect happen against them, etc. Lastly the minions can be evil doplegangers of each hero… like “Evil Legacy deals 3 damage to the character with the most hitpoints, heroes named Legacy cannot regain hitpoints while Evil Legacy is in play”. “Evil Ra dels 3 fire damage to the hero with the highest hp, heroes named Ra must discard a card each time they use a power”. Etc.

I don’t think I quite understand the “Reality Dude” archetype. I don’t know what the inspiration for this guy is. I can tell you that I have (for)seen something like what you describe as Visionary’s nemesis, however. Visionary’s thing is that she excels at controlling the villain and environment, so it would make sense for her nemesis to use the heroes strengths against them in some way. Punishing them for making plays or using powers, perhaps, or making them discard a bunch of cards, or something like that.

Hero wise I am just waiting for someone with a Bow. I like pointy sticks that get shot from sticks with string on them.

Yeah, that is what I’m kind of thinking of… a villain that makes you think “do I really want to pull out this gun? He can shoot me with it…”. Examples (and I apologize, but I tend to think in terms of Marvel) would be Beyonder, Infinity Gauntlet Thanos, Cosmic Cube Red Skull, Nightmare, Legion, Shadow King (psychic plane), etc. Somebody who changes ALL THE RULES and therefore is really, really scary.

That would be really cool. When I think of what an archer usually brings (hawkeye, green arrow) to a team it is certainty (he does not miss) and gadgets (he has an arrow for each situation). I think a cool archer would be able to deal any kind of damage and then would have some cool effects (exploding removes a card from play) and some other stuff to flesh him/her out. Maybe an extra “discard a card, use a power” meaning you can empty your quiver but SHOOT A LOT on a turn that requires it.

I feel like this ground is covered by Expatriette.

I can tell you you’ll be happy, that’s about all I got for you.

This is the internet, nobody is ever happy. I’m joking of course, thrilled to see the next expansion, especially since each villain tends to work so different from each other.

My friend and I were talking about additional heroes and I suggested an archer. I also thought of a few cards that I would love to share but if >G makes an archer, I do not want any legal trouble for them. I will just wait until he (or she) comes out. Then I can state my ideas. I will say that I had a quiver and a bow card. And I liked the idea of firing different arrows.

As for Expatriette filling in for the archer role, I see her as more Punisher-like than Green Arrow. There is always room for an archer. I can’t wait to see the new heroes and defeat the new villains.

Shapeshifter – Beast Boy immediately comes to mind, but that’s because I just watched all five seasons of Teen Titans last week. :slight_smile: Different ongoing cards represent different forms (s)he can take, possibly with a Mr. Fixer-style “return other tools (forms)” mechanic.

Teleporter – How much fun would a Nightcrawler-type charcter be in SotM, just in general? Wouldn’t be very powerful offensively, but would be a giant nuisance to damage.

Self-copier – Just a hero deck filled with copies of him/herself that are all like 3-HP targets. Maybe the default (only?) power is to do one damage to a target per copy in play (“Dogpile”). Obv. inspired by Jamie “Multiple Man” Madrox, although again Billy Numerous from the TT cartoon is fresh in my mind too.

Stretchy – Your basic Mr. Fantastic/Plastic Man rubber body, maybe combined with out-right growth/shrinking just for completion. Might compete for idea space with the shapeshifter, as they’re different applications of the same general concept.

With Akash’Bhuta on the horizon (or “as the horizon,” as the case may be), I’m really looking forward to a nature-or-plant-based hero. Don’t ask me what I want it to do. That wasn’t the question.

Take a look at the cards in Legacy’s deck. Can’t remember which one it is (Lead from the Front?!), but Legacy is fighting someone like this.

Yeah, that’s LftF.

That character is also on Scum and Villainy (Rook City Environment), along with Tachyon’s not-my-nemesis

Actually, since you mention Multiple Man, I can see how this would work as a (not terribly difficult) villain. Now where’d that fonts-for-custom-cards thread go…

These all sound like great ideas. Now if someone would just do the Stange Eons thing we’d be set…

See this thread for details: http://greaterthangames.info/forum/index.php/topic,443.0.html

Hmm… Maybe that’s important… 8)

I love how these little clues are hidden all over the place. The guys at >G have done a wonderful job with the build-up, environment, etc.

Hmmm… Man maybe I should really go through and examine the cards and keep track of how many unnamed characters appear and maybe it’ll show some crazy stuff.

Once things go Cosmic, I’m hoping for a Temporal Hero - something that combines trash pickup with turn & timing manipulation.
Then I’d want a similar villain that messes with discard piles, plays villain cards out of turn and generaly breaks the rules :wink:

A Self Duplicator would be interesting, as he could have a deck of minions that give him ongoing abilities and powers. Would be cool managing that style of play.

A straight up, support, temporal hero would be awesome. Skip the villains turn (for a hefty price) would be great… stopping time when bombs are going to blow or the moon is going to get yanked into earth for one last push. Or maybe only temporal guy gets an extra turn, so he can focus on that annoying enviroment or minion that is making things difficult.

As for a duplicator that would be fun, especially if duplicates add something besides damage and able bodies. Maybe if they where like Slivers in Magic The Gathering. Either way redirecting and spreading damage across dupes would be a new resource for sure.

2 heroes: Twins, hero and sidekick, inventor and robot… what matters is that like a villain he comes into play with a powerful minion or has no problem summoning that minion.

Misunderstood Monster: Big brawny damage sponge that accelerates when damaged, either with ongoing abilities that allows it to draw cards or play cards or whatnot when hurt.

Oh also I wanted to do some new enviroments:

Dystopian Future: robots, mutants or something more sinister are rounding up heroes in this awful future that the heroes have been thrust into to battle a villain. A very hostile enviroment.

Zombie Apocalypse: Would not work with most villains but an enviroment deck that just spits out zombies by the handful that attack everyone would be a blast.

Astral Plane: some dimensional goodness with psychic constructs, shadowy mind parasites and “Arkham Horror” style events.