… newsperson, is how exactly one diagnoses " drained of all life force"… Isn’t that basically just, you know, dead? o_O
Are you a doctor?
That’s why RC PD has no comments. They don’t want to get embroiled in silly news reports.
No, but I’ve watched some on TV!
In response to your question, science is how they diagnose it, obv.
When you reach 0 HP, you’re just incapacitated.
I believe you have the potential to become undead at that point!
Wouldn’t that require a life force level somewhere between that of a dead person and of a living person?
Guys, come on. Just say it.
Guys, come on. Just say it.
No, I don’t think I will, sorry.
Guys, come on. Just say it.
(But only because you have a Tardis in your profile pic and I have a weakness for people with Blue Boxes that are bigger on the inside :P)
Yeah, I was at Gen Con this year. I lost my breath when I saw the Tardis there, and all the other Doctor Who stuff. It’s funny, because I was already planning on dressing up as Doctor #9, and when I saw the Tardis, everything was perfect. That’s my costume in the picture, along with my wonderful girlfriend as Rose.
But anyways… Zombies. Yeah. That’s gonna happen. And even if not now, later.
I wonder if it will be normal zombies, or zombies with some sort of super power or kung fu and stuff.
Don’t say the Zed word!
Much as I hate to disappoint, I for one am way burnt out on the zombies fad. They have their place and there are many zombie films I enjoy, but their place is not SotM, if I have any say in the matter. Rest assured, though, if there were, they would be slow, shambling REAL zombies. None of this fast-zombie garbage.
Adam is quite right, with the exception of our Zombie-centric expansion that is slated for Summer 2012. All zombies all the time! With a zombie hunting hero, along with a zombie hero who retained his soul and is fighting for redemption! 4 distinct zombie villains, such as The Necromancer, and The Horde! Two thrilling zombie environments: a derelict mall that the heroes must fight their way out of, and an entire island COVERED in zombies!
I’m assuming, of course, that “The Horde” will be led by Michael Jackson? There’s no other option.
Would be funnier if you would of said Winter of 2012, with the end of the world and people saying it will involve zombies…
But Ronway, then we’d have to wait longer. Humor has nothing to do with this. Zombies are serious business. sternglare
But Ronway, then we’d have to wait longer. Humor has nothing to do with this. Zombies are serious business. sternglare
Deadly serious. Especially if they’re kung fu zombies. Just saying.