If I understand what I'm seeing, it looks like first edition copies of Sentinels are going for $45 to $55 PLUS shipping?! I saw a set of EE and Rook City that sold for over $80. Shattered Timelines sold for over $40 PLUS shipping-- SEVEN TIMES!!!
I believe the price for this game was also rising during the the ST KS. Took me a while to find a decent price of the game to try it out before comitting to the KS.
I'm waiting on the EE restock so I can buy it at my LGS but if I saw a copy on ebay within $20 of cover price, I might be tempted. It's been 3 weeks since my friend introduced us to #SotMv and since then we've checked the store every day, hoping to see something different than Out of stock...
I just registered to this forum to ALSO add that I've been checking the store every day for restock as well. I'm glad I'm not the only one!
I played back in Connecticut, my friend had the game and expansions. I moved to Nevada and no one here has heard of it! I feel like I'm in a horror flick!