What is the perfect team composition?

So, I've been wondering for some time what is the greatest team composition? 

I think that I have it broken down to a sort of formula. One tank, One support, One damage dealer, One versitile character, and one whatever character.

So to fill these slots my friends and I have composed a team of Legacy, The Argent Adept, Unity, The Visionary, and Expatriette.

The first time I realized this type of formula was when my friends and I were playing against Spite and our team consisted of Legacy, The argent Adept, Unity and The Wraith. We were having a moderate time fighting him. . . then he flipped. As The Wraith I stun bolted Spite he was dealing One damage to everyone each turn, at least he would have if Legacy didn't redirect that damage to himself to take zero damage (he had fortitude and lead from the front out) Then he had next evolution out to take any and all toxic damage. Each turn he was dealing us a total of Zero damage. On Unitiy's last turn her Robots (including her raptor bots) dealt a total of 50 damage. The Argent was healing us and increasing defenses. If it was possible I'm sure Spite would have rage quit.     

As I thought I came up with the above formula and as such I started seperating the heros Into diffrent groups:

Tanks: Legacy, Absloute Zero (with The Wraith), Haka, and maybe Bunker in the one situation of The Wraith with smoke bombs and Bunker with heavy plating and recharge mode.

Damage Dealers: Unity, The Wraith, Tempest, Bunker, Absloute Zero (with some sorta of damage boosting character) and Ra. (I would Include Tachyon, but she is more of a Burst Damage Dealer than a constant heavy hitter.)

Support: The Argent Adept. Seriously this all I got for most support role characters.

Versitile characters: Mr. Fixer, The Visionary, Expatriate,and Fanatic.

With Tachyon I'm having alot of trouble figuring out where to put her in this list.

Nightmist I havn't played with or seen her played enough to really place her in a catagory, but I have seen her tank and a decent amount of deal damage all in the one game I've seen her played in so I'm thinking she's a Versitile character.

What is your favorite team composition and what do you think of my list is there something I'm missing? Do I have people in the  wrong spots? 

I agree with your assessment of "One tank, One support, One damage dealer, One versitile character" being a great blend.

You might want to include characters that slow down the villain in the support category.  Visionary is fantastic at that.  Her deck manipulation and Twist the Ether can really hinder the boss.  I played Voss recently with Dark Visionary and we avoided two Forced Deployments and a Flagship.  I haven't seen her do much for tanking or damage so I'm not sure how versatile she is (although she can help others tank/damage).

I agree that Tachyon is a bit odd.  She is somewhat support helping everyone draw cards (with TLT) and Hypersonic Assault.  She is also part damage with Lightspeed barage.  Outside of that card though almost all of her damage is about clearing minions (ie one damage to everyone).

I know he can do other roles as well so I don't disagree with having him listed as versitile, but to me Fixer is a tank all the way.  He lacks healing but the Mantis stance is amazing at protecting him, especially if he can add a Pipe Wrench to the mix.  Grease Gun is great to protect the whole team. 

If you want each person in only one catagory I think Wraith needs to be versatile.  She can straight up damage with one setup and protect people in another.  She can also use part of her turn to deck manipulate if the team needs it so I definitely think she is versitile.

What can Expat do but damage? I guess she has RPGs and Nitrogen Rounds but she is very limited in the use of those.  I think every hero has SOME capability to do things outside of their niche.

Just an idea but you might want to remove the versitile category and allow people to be in more than one category.  I don't know if that makes it easier to think about or not .

So for a team I think maybe I'd go

Tank: Haka

Support: Argent Adept

Damage: Ra

All around: Young Legacy/Tempest?

You really do have so many good choices at each spot, thats part of why this game is so awesomely fun!

Visionary can tank in her Telekinetic Coccoon, but it also means she cannot do anything else. I think there is already a thread like this somewhere else discussing bringing your best team to face an unknown, unreleased villian. In that instance you are developing the best all around team to deal with an unknown situation which I think is similar to this question. 

I tend to think in terms of immediate damage, slow build, and support.


Immediate Damage: The Wraith, Fanatic, Haka, Tempest, Ra, Expatriette


Slow Build: Bunker, Tachyon, Absolute Zero, Mr. Fixer, Nightmist, Unity


Support: Legacy, Visionary, Argent Adept


These are broad classifications and some heroes don't fit obviously into one category or another (The Wraith and Mr. Fixer were the ones I had the hardest time categorizing)


I am wary of any team that only has representation from only one category. That being said, I'll take The Wraith, Tempest, Ra and any one or two other heroes from the immediate damage category against any villain.

I think I'd pretty much agree with your team there, Arenson, but add in Legacy as well since he's pretty good at a variety of support things - buffing hero damage, redirecting/soaking villain damage, ignoring environment damage, preventing villain card play, protecting other heroes from damage, and probably a couple of other things I've forgotten. Definitely Wraith and Tempest are, for me, the best all-rounders. Ra tends to be my favourite for instant-damage-must-kill-stuff-now since he has lots of one-shots that blast stuff and can therefore still usually do something useful even if his stuff gets destroyed. While the Adept might be my current personal favourite character to play, he does have the issue of generally being quite slow to build up to the stage where he can do a load of good stuff in one turn. Then again, he can pretty much always do something. Despite the fact that I do like him, I probably wouldn't pick him against an unknown villain, though - I'd probably go with my original favourite, the Wraith.


Has a similar discussion which is interesting.

The reall problem with classing as tank, dps, etc… is most heroes can really do multiple roles. The foremost example of this in my ming is Tempest. Need damage, get electrical storm and localized hurricane out. Need a tank, otherworldly resillance and ESI out. Need support, cleanwing downpour, ball lightning, into the stratsophere, etc…

Just an example, but i’'ve seen games where Legacy out damaged everyone, Nightmist tanked, and so on.

First time commentor, but I have to say, I find it odd that Nightmist isn't being classified as a tank. From every single game I've played with her, she ends up having more HP left than any other character, and basically shrugs off any villain attack which targets the highest health. Combine that with Wraith's smoke bombs, and she can basically soak up damage all game, with mist form and mist-fueled recovery for the rare moments when she is actually in danger. I'm only surprised because I had been under the impression that tanking was Nightmist's main job.

I find it hard to contribute to these conversations.  I'm a die-hard randomizer, so I try to see the power in any team, and every team seems to have the potential.  Also, like Kiric said, most heroes do multiple "roles" fairly well. 

If I had to draw a line, though, it would be between those who can remove ongoing and environment cards, and those who cannot.  If I have two characters that can remove ongoings and non-target environment cards, I feel pretty safe about calling the team well-balanced, whoever else is on it.  A team of, like, Bunker Fixer Haka, though they meet your role requirements, I would hesitate to call well-balanced.  There are always ways to cope with those cards without being able to kill them, but I stand by my opinion

Yeah, I agree a team without ongoing destruction can run into big problems. Some environment destruction is good in a pinch, but ongoing destruction is crucial in a good team. 

Yeah, I think that's one of the reasons I like the Adept so much - both Sarabandes and his Pipes and you can take out two cards in one go :).

Well I suppose I should clarify my varsitle catagories. With that I meant characters that has the ability to control the villians well. Expatirate may only have a few cards that can be classified as villian control (reducing attack power), but she can easily control the amounts of minons on the field. Ofcourse this was my initial thought, however after a few games more with her I realized she is a damage dealer. In all honesty I should have tempest in both the damage dealer and versitle (villian control). However, I'm sorta up-tight about keeping strict, neat lists. See what I'm thinking of is there main role in the team. Every hero has a little bit of ability to slip into the other catagories and this keeps the game from getting bogged down trying to get your damage dealers the right cards.  

So, with some revision I've decied that versitle will be replaced with villian control. Expatirate will move to the damage dealer section and if there's some heros that have just the same ability to do one thing as they do with another I'll place them into Hybridized list. I'll post my revised list in three weeks or so for some more critisim (constructive ofcourse; thank you by the way) because I see no point in revising a list with Shattered Timelines only 1-2 days away from my door.