So, I've been wondering for some time what is the greatest team composition?
I think that I have it broken down to a sort of formula. One tank, One support, One damage dealer, One versitile character, and one whatever character.
So to fill these slots my friends and I have composed a team of Legacy, The Argent Adept, Unity, The Visionary, and Expatriette.
The first time I realized this type of formula was when my friends and I were playing against Spite and our team consisted of Legacy, The argent Adept, Unity and The Wraith. We were having a moderate time fighting him. . . then he flipped. As The Wraith I stun bolted Spite he was dealing One damage to everyone each turn, at least he would have if Legacy didn't redirect that damage to himself to take zero damage (he had fortitude and lead from the front out) Then he had next evolution out to take any and all toxic damage. Each turn he was dealing us a total of Zero damage. On Unitiy's last turn her Robots (including her raptor bots) dealt a total of 50 damage. The Argent was healing us and increasing defenses. If it was possible I'm sure Spite would have rage quit.
As I thought I came up with the above formula and as such I started seperating the heros Into diffrent groups:
Tanks: Legacy, Absloute Zero (with The Wraith), Haka, and maybe Bunker in the one situation of The Wraith with smoke bombs and Bunker with heavy plating and recharge mode.
Damage Dealers: Unity, The Wraith, Tempest, Bunker, Absloute Zero (with some sorta of damage boosting character) and Ra. (I would Include Tachyon, but she is more of a Burst Damage Dealer than a constant heavy hitter.)
Support: The Argent Adept. Seriously this all I got for most support role characters.
Versitile characters: Mr. Fixer, The Visionary, Expatriate,and Fanatic.
With Tachyon I'm having alot of trouble figuring out where to put her in this list.
Nightmist I havn't played with or seen her played enough to really place her in a catagory, but I have seen her tank and a decent amount of deal damage all in the one game I've seen her played in so I'm thinking she's a Versitile character.
What is your favorite team composition and what do you think of my list is there something I'm missing? Do I have people in the wrong spots?