What is your moment of awesome for each Hero?

So, I'd like to find out what kind of epic moments people have had with various heroes.  Some of this is to find new ways of playing/tactics, some of it is to find out how other people find their bliss when it comes to sentinels, and part of it is because I just like hearing about awesome things.

A few ground rules:

1. No team interactions!  this is for those times when each individual hero stepped into the spotlight and had their moment of glory.

2. This isn't about "fixing" heroes, or debating which ones belong to which tiers.  (I do this, I'm guilty of it too!)

3. it can be as specific or vague as you want.  It can be about damage, epic card play, or that perfect combination of factors that let a hero be truly awesome. (hopefully this will become clear)


So, here are mine!

Legacy: anytime I can get Lead From the Front and Next Evolution with a Ring. 

Bunker: The perfect storm of Gatling, flak, grenade, ammo drop, and plating in turret mode.

Tachyon: playing six+ cards! 

AZ: Thermal shockwave when fully equipped.

Wraith: Almost anything.  But chaining impromptu inventions is always awesome.

Fanatic: End of Days!

Haka: Oh, you wanted those minions back?  Can't have them, they're in the hippo (Savage Mana)!

Tempest: Shackles+ Lightning slash.  it just makes me happy.

Ra: The Solar flare/flesh/imbued combo.  It takes a while, but feels so very epic!

Visionary: Controlling Voss's ships from the cocoon.  Or a kraken. 

Fixer: Using the jack handle and Alternating tiger claw to absolutely crush Apostate's hopes, dreams, and relics.

Expatriette: Unload, all guns, on Dawn.

Nightmist: Any time she uses the Stab-u-let to redirect damage.   

Argent Adept: Making 2 people play a card.  and do something else.  

Unity:  When Mr chomps has a few friends out and damage gets kind of silly.

Omnitron-X: Having all the components out at the same time.  I don't even have to DO anything with them, just looking at them all equipped makes me feel epic...

Chrono-Ranger: Anytime I can chain "Eye on the Prizes" with Hunter and Hunted (and a few bounties) out. 

The Scholar: Hugging it out (3 Flesh to Irons and an alchemcal redirection) with Iron Legacy.

What's your favorite moment?


Going from single digit hp back to full with Nightmist is a blast.

Watching Expatriette make minions utterly meaningless with Hairtrigger reflexes and a few buffs from Legacy, Ra, or Argent Adept.

Beating the snot out of an extrastellar warlord with a pipe wrench as Fixer.

Listening to my friends break out into "Chocolate Rain" when I play Tempest's Cleansing Downpour.

The moment when Tachyon finally lets loose that Lightspeed Barrage and pummels 20 odd hp off whoever deserves it.

Keeping away from any type of buff from other heros, one of my favorite moments was with Redeemer Fanatic against advanced Ennead.  I don't remember which Ennead came out but it had <=30 HP because Fanantic proceded to one shot him with her big attack when she only had 1 HP left.

Similar to Sefirit's situation, Fanatic finished off Voss with her Retribution when he had 29 HP left.

Doing an even 57 hp with Tachyon in one round by playing 3 Barrages. (Mind you, that isn't as high as she can go, but I was very happy with it! :grin: )

Haka getting a first turn Savage Mana against the Chairman, eating most of the villain targets (almost accidentally preventing the Chairman from flipping, but we realized it before it was too late), eating the Operative ( :open_mouth: ), then flinging them all back at the Chairman to finish him off in a massive beating…

Turn one Brain Burn with Visionary versus the Chairman, took no damage thanks to Heroic Interception from Legacy.

Dealing 72 damage in one turn with Tachyon, three Lightspeed Barrages, a few damage buffs.

Beating the Matriarch without her playing a single bird.

Fanatic: The means is similar to some above, but the target is different: We had a game with a bad opening against the Chairman, so when he finally flipped, The Fanatic off-ed him with Wrathful Retribution in 1 round.  She died shortly after, but the rest of the team managed to fight on and kill The Operative for a win.

Bunker: Similarly, we had Bunker make almost exactly the same play with Omni-cannon.

Absolute Zero: After some time and discussion about how to deal with a late-game Forced Deployment, AZ realized that with his damage boosts and the sacrifice of merely 1 allied Ongoing, he could remove Forced Deployment and all the subsequent minoins with just Fueled Freeze.

Argent Adept: Due to an environment card and Channel the Eclipse, Dawn had out 2 Channel the Eclipses and 1 Return with the Dawn when his turn started and thanks to 2 Sarabande of Destruction, Drake's Pipes, and Polyphoric Flare, he got rid of them all AND healed the damage from the flare AND had other people play and draw cards.

Nightmist: Watching an insane Oblivion clear the board on an otherwise unwinnable game.

Unity: Watching an Oxygen Leak destroy a HORRIBLE draw from the Chairman, doing something like 8 damage each, and then turning to Bee Bot to take the hit, destroy Oxygen Leak, and let the heroes off scott-free (sans The Operative's dmg).

Omnitron-X: Getting out Ablative Plating vs. The Chairman and yawning at the Operative's damage.

Visionary: Anytime Precognition catches Profane Summons, Prison Break, Devastating Aurora, Forced Deployment, or Darken the Sky.

I've had a really good Visionary moment against La Capitan where I Wrest the minded L'APEISTSTETE (The french guy) with a whole mess of Ongoings and equipments in play, I really mean a mess, like he could have K'Od any hero in a hit, in 2 turns he wiped out The Captain.

Ooo! That reminds me - I was just watching it (it was a demo game at a con), but Visionary, over the course of the game, was able to Wrest the Kraken, go in her Cocoon, and force the Kraken to beat on the villain until it killed itself, then proceeded to do that two more times (all three Krakens came up, as did all three Wrests and two Cocoons, and she just took the damage on the third sequence to end the game). That was an insane amount of damage and totally won the game for them! (Wish I could remember the villain...)



My favorite moment for AZ was playing Advanced Plague Rat in dinosaur land.  AZ was infected so he was getting a +1 damage from PR.  The volcano went off and hit AZ for 7 which he turned into 9 damage to PR.  Then the volcano hit PR and he had an ongoing or something that let him redirect it to a hero, well of course it hit AZ who turned it around as 9 more damage to PR.  (Actually that same volcano got redirected away from tachyon and just for fun went to AZ who hit PR for another 9 damage.)  That killed PR and left AZ with 1 HP left yay!  I'm not really sure how he had 22 at the start of that turn but I think he had been healing a lot with +2 from gear and infection.

Let me see…first that comes to mind is this weekend's little event in which Fanatic caused Akash'Bhuta to hit herself for 103 damage (with partial assistance from a bounty) via End of Days. Wasn't a game winner, as she still had something like 41hp left but it certainly made a difference ;).

The above example of Ab'Zero versus Plague Rat reminds me of a time when I was playing Ab'Zero in such a fight and was Infected, but modules and a Twist the Ether meant that my Infection damage was actually healing me for free every turn. The only reason I didn't finish the game on max hp was because I hit myself in the final turn so that I could deal a killing blow to Plague Rat :).

Okay so it's a combo of two heroes, but Expatriette with Hairtrigger Reflexes and Ra with Flame Barrier and Imbued Fire meant that pretty much every target played by Gloomweaver got insta-killed (or at least, killed very quickly and then the zombie was insta-killed, even though it was Gloomy's go).

Haka versus the Chairman - similar to the example in an above post, I used Savage Mana and had eaten two Underbosses before I realised "ooh shit, I need to keep three of them in so that the Chairman can flip". So we did. There were no major issues in the fight - all the Thugs basically got eaten by Haka and then spewed back in what was probably the final, killing blow to the Chairman.

One time I played the Wraith and started with three Impromptu Inventions in my hand - that was bloody cool. The fourth card was an Inventory Barrage, so of no immediate use. I can't remember anything else about the fight, but we might have been up against Spite.

Our fastest ever game - 10 minutes, three rounds, versus Iron Legacy. End of Days in the first round helped :).

I agree with the person who said Omnitron-X is so cool with all his components out. You get to do all this stuff and then go "Right…and now it's my Play phase…" :D. Also makes for a good combo with the Scholar if the latter has his Solid-to-Liquid and Mortal-Form-to-Energy out, since the Enervation Ray thingys (healing components) mean that the Scholar can hit stuff twice at the start of Omnitron's go :D.

There's probably loads more examples but I can't think of 'em right now - we've been playing this thing multiple times every weekend since last September, so there's rather a large number of games all squidged together somewhere at the back of my head ;).

Mr Fixer redirecting Apostate's melee damage back into himself... when he had both Gauntlets of Perdition out. Why are you doing that Apostate? Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself!


Tachyon completely destroying Blade

An almost perfect game for her, her last turn was impressive. 14 burst cards in her trash, 3 Lightspeed Barrages, 1 Sucker Punch and 2 Lightning Reflexes in her hand, HUD Goggles and Pushing the Limits in play.

Baron Blade was still trying to crash the moon into the Earth but had only 2HP left, one sucker punch later and he was flipped.
2 Lightning Reflexes to make sure I hadn't miscounted and 3 Lightspeed Barrages finished him off, he barely had time to climb into his techno-suit!

Rofl epic :D. That's one combo I forgot - triple Lightspeed Barrage in one turn when you have all or most of your Burst cards in the trash. Add that one to the list 'cause I've done it before at least once :D.

AZ: Anytime the villain deals him fire or cold. They might as well punch themselves in the nuts.

Fanatic: Aegis of Resurrection

Mr. Fixer: Pipewrench/Driving Mantis. Redirects 2s and 3s and negates 1s.

Unity: Construction Pylon and Speed Bot

Visionary: Perfectly timed Brain Burn redirected to Decoy


Mr fixer (with crowbars and monkey fist) hitting AZ with cold with one hand, and the villains with the other. 

Mr fixer (with crowbars and monkey fist) hitting AZ with cold with one hand, and the villains with the other. 

This one is simple, but I giggled.

Legacy did a back fist strike into one of akash'bhuta's primeval limbs which then took her out. she was technically low enough that he could have just targeted her, but I liked the mental image of Legacy basically doing the "if your hand is as big as your face you have cancer" joke to take out a primordial chaos god.

Agent Ardent spent all game allowing others to play cards/powers and fetch stuff from GY against Aka'b. Last turn he plays his attack melody and does damage to kill steal her from AZ who just dealt 20 damage to her.

Agent Ardent? Argent Adept! ;)

I did something like that once, playing as the Adept - I very rarely deal damage (because that's not what he's about, of course) and one time we were fighting...somebody (might've been Akash'Bhuta but can't remember now) and I'd dealt no damage whatsoever all game...then at one point we were very close to the end and I thought "ooh hang on..." and ended up dealing the final plink of damage which finished the fight, basically KSing whatever damage-dealing heroes I'd been playing with the whole game :D.

Just played Chrono Ranger tonight and had a pretty awesome moment.

Had Jim's Hat in play (play two cards during your turn).

Also had "By any means" in play on La Capitan.

Had previously played Hunter and Hunted with 4 bounties in play (+4 damage dealt & taken)

Played "Just doin' my job" and my team was kind enough to discard 2 cards to let me draw 2 (I was out of cards). I dealt La Capitan 6 damage.

My my second card I played Terrible Tech-strike for 7 more damage then 6 more damage on La Capitan.

Then used The Masadah for another 9 damage to La Capitan.

Was pretty cool to deal 28 damage to the villian in one turn.

I mentioned this in another thread, but one time when I was playing Team Leader Tachyon against Akash, I did 47 damage with three lightspeed barrages and brought her down to 1 HP. I could still play one card, so I killed her with a sucker punch.