What to do with extra damage when the villian flips?

I am not sure I have seen this mentioned anywhere and wanted to clarify. When you flip a villian, what do you do with any left over damage?  For example, Baron Blade is a at 2 HP on his A side. Chrono-Ranger hits him for 5. He loses the 2 HP and flips to side B, but what if anything happens to the 3 left over damage?  

I had been playing it where it came off of the HP total on side B, meaning it would carry over. However, as I was thinking about it recently, I have started playing it just as if it was a normal target that was destroyed and a new target comes in to play to replace it. In this fashion, the extra damage would be wasted just as if you took out a normal target with excess damage. 

Wondering what other people do and if there is an official ruling.

I don't have the card in front of me but I think the wording is something like "when Baron Blade would be destroyed, flip him instead."  As far as I know, when he reaches 0 he flips and any extra damage is lost. 

I do believe that on Blade's flip side it tells you to restore him to full HP. He flips after the attack initiates, so even if there is any left over damage, he would recover it since the effects of Blade flipping would happen after the attack that flipped him.

I didnt mean to focus on Baron Blade necessarily, just any villian that flips when they reach zero on side A. Though I guess I cannot think of another off hand...besides Mad Bomber Blade. 

As others have said above, I'm pretty sure that 'extra' damage done to side A is lost (does not carry over) to side B.

Apostate has the same wording. Again, no carry-over.

Although, I guess it's worth noting that if you deal damage multiple times, then extra applications of that damage should affect the new hit points. I'm still new to this game, but that's what I interpret, and I'm willing to be corrected.


For example, Vicious Cyclone could knock Baron Blade down to 0 after only one discard. But subsequent discards would be applied to the other side.

I think the logic train of this situation goes like this - BB takes enough damage to reduce him to zero or fewer hp.  Instead of taking that damage (i.e. he doesn't take the damage), he flips, at which point his hp are raised to 30.  So, because he never took the damage, there's nothing to carry over to the back side.