The other day I was playing a game against Advanced Akash'Bhuta in Ruins of Atlantis, and my heroes were getting pounded. I was playing Legacy, Chrono Ranger, Mr. Fixer and Wraith. Nothing seemed to be going my way, and between the krakens and the limbs it seemed like I was doomed to failure. I decided the dwindling hit points of my heroes weren't going to be getting better any time soon, and it was time to go reckless. I got four bounties out with Hunter and Hunted and Chrono started going to town. With +2 damage from Legacy, +4 from the bounties out, and an extra +2 against Akash herself, every 1-damage plink was turning into a 9-point wallop. His bow was hitting for 18 points of damage every turn, as well as every time the villain did damage. Eye on the Prize suddenly became a chainable nuke. Of course, if he took any damage whatsoever, he was probably going to be a red stain on a big clay hand.
The only reason this madness even kind of worked was several well-timed Grease Guns, Heroic Interceptions, and Take Downs. Even so, Fixer still went down hard and everyone else was under 5 hit points when the great master of Chaos finally took a literal dirt nap.
So, what were your favorite moments where you decided "F*** it, let's go to the mat"? I imagine Absolute Zero, Fanatic, Ra, etc would be great candidates for this kind of last-ditch badassery.
(Unrelated post-script: Does anyone else seem to always draw that Akash card that spawns a bunch of limbs on the very first turn? Makes you feel pretty behind from the outset. The cards hate me, etc.)
Every game I play. Who needs high HP anyhow! I feel it is my duty to use every hero in the most effective way possible, and if that is taking loads of damage so be it!
Haha, fair enough! I guess maybe I'm just growing into the game and realizing there's not much use in playing conservatively most of the time. It's freeing, in a way.
Exactly! A lot of heroes are based on taking some damage to deal more damage, while some are more obvious than others.
I've had a game where I was playing as the Wraith (plus other heroes that don't matter since it wasn't me) against Kismet, and she had Weak Heart (I think that is the one where Kismet deals you 1 damage anytime you use a power) so Wraith had Combat Stance so whenever she would use her trust knives Kismet would hit her and Wraith would strike right back. Infact I was asked if I wanted Weak Heart gone by another player and said she was fine. Ended the game in the single digits, but did a lot of damage to Kismet!
I like (but I'm guessing my gaming buddies hate) the turns toward the end of a game with AZ with two Impales and a Cold Snap out plus Focussed Apertures and any miscellaneous damage buffs where I've done enough cold damage before my play phase that I have to really think about how to deal damage with my one shots and Thermal Shockwave to not kill myself.
I don't think AZ really "clicked" for me until I had a game with a similar setup toward the end. That sudden realization: "Wait, I've already done X cold damage automatically this turn, if I throw in a Hoarfrost and Thermal Shockwave, I think I just won." That's when all the work to understand him became worth it
A friend of mine playing Nightmist used Oblivion with a Shaky Arm on her, while another player was on 1hp... They survived the Oblivion, but then died of Kismet.
I had one game, I think against Cosmic Omnitron, where I was playing the Wraith and had oodles of equips out, like usual. Cosmitron was down to under a fourth of his HP total, but the heroes were in dire straits and if the environment or Cosmitron wanted to, they could easily take out the whole remaining team easy-peasy.
So, I did what any irrational person would do and threw all of my equipment at the enemy, bringing him down to a solid 1 HP. Then, the Gods of Atlantis decided to grace us with their glory and used their defense turrets to shoot Cosmitron in the face (also killing Wraith in the process, but who's counting? Cosmitron died first.) It was lovely.
There was also a fun game against Matriarch where I, as Unity, convinced everyone to give me a raging buff with all of their might (so playing extra or what have you) so that we could knock her out completely before she could act again, almost surely killing us all. It worked. Unity slammed Her Avian Majesty with over twenty damage and hardly had to lift a finger.