In the world where Iron Legacy rules with an iron fist, controlling everything in his universe, where is Haka? You can justify that most of the other heroes have either been destroyed or subdued by Legacy (with the Freedom Six being the last thing standing between him and total domination), but where's Haka? He's super strong! Super powerful! Immortal! So why hasn't he joined the fight to take down Iron Legacy? Where is he?
Even an immortal can be taken out of actin. Some believe he's the big guy under the block in Demoralising Presence. It's entirely possible that Iron Legacy knows how powerful Haka is and has taken special measures to deal with him. If you're a global dictator, you have a lot of R&D teams to figure out how to restrain anyvbody, even Haka. Plus, one of the quotes is "I hit him as hard as I could and he did not flinch. I do not know this man." Haka, so it seems Iron Legacy is a match for Haak.
The quote Pwatson has said is the quote from Amored Fortitude. By the looks of that the heroes are in some pretty bad shape if Haka can't even hurt the guy with his most powerful punch.
Is there some information somewhere stating Haka is Immortal, and not that he just doesn't age?
His origin on the main website has him coming back from being killed. Which is probably an indicator at least
Outwitting the giant warrior, still stunned from his tribe turning against him, Ruru dealt Aata a killing blow. Ruru dragged his former friend’s body into the desert, slit his throat, and left him to the dogs.
And don't we already know that Haka is alive up til the endtimes, as in The Eternal Haka?
Long lived does not mean immortal.
I figured that was his power origin, a one time deal to save him and give him the powers he needs, not neccessarily an everyday occurance for him but I am happy to be mistaken and see that he cannot die.