Who do we know is coming to Tactics?

I have all of the currently available Tactics sets. I did not get in on the Broken City Kickstarter. What characters are announced at this point for tactics development?

Man-Grove and Renegade

Catastrophe & Verge and Plague Rat

Spite, Spite, Spite, Spite and Spite


Dark Watch

The Dark Watch Team(With Pinion aka Matriarch taking the missing/dead Nightmist's place)

Exemplar (aka Chairman Pike)

Plauge Rat

Catastrophe & Verge (new characters. Played as a pair)

Renegade (aka ChronoRanger)


"The Spites" (5 characters that embody the very essence of the perfect forms of the 5 original drugs that made up Spite)

Becky Blast (a former FILTER agent)

Glamour (same mask but likely a different person than the Glamour from the Slaughterhouse 6 in SotM)

Hippocolypse (aka The Hippo)


New Promo Alt Panels for The Operative and Ambuscade

Broken City:

The Dark Watch:  Expat, Fixer, Pinion, Setback  (total 4)

Exemplar and Spites:  Exemplar, Cyst, Demon Fist, Grudge, Karnal, Mindphyre  (total 10)

The others:  Catastrophe and Verge, Plague Rat (total 12)

For Profit:

For Profit team:  Becky Blast, Glamour, Heartbreaker, Hippocalypse  (Total 16)

Others:  Man-Grove, Renegade.  (total 18)

For Profit Promos:  The Operative, Ambuscade.


Akash'Dharsha.  (total 19)


That's 19 new characters and 2 promos for old ones.  Added to the 9 from Flame of Freedom and 6 from Uprising you get:

34 Characters and 2 promos.

America's Cleverest Legacy.

Being so clever, he realized that the only winning move was not to play.

Okay, I think I'd heard about all those. I was confused in another thread talking about promos and someone wanted a naturalist promo but someone else said the last promo already looks like he'd gotten to what he looks like in Tactics and I got confused. So the Naturalist is not yet announced for Tactics. Maybe they were referring to card art I hadn't noticed.

That said, he would be AWESOME in Tactics. I want minis of him and all his forms.

Art stream: https://youtu.be/vMXyj2LSXdQ?list=PLBZBled0v3sJ82jQwoL3lqrISQBltyQ-O

And given the above, I do not think he is getting forms :P

Wait that is the Naturalist? Whoa…saw a pic of that art but never heard it named. Crazy.

He seemed to losing control based on his incap art for the Hunted Naturalist that can be seen here http://sotm.wdfiles.com/local--files/promos/naturalistpromoback.png

If you go about 23:45 in, Christopher reveals that this is the Naturalist and makes some other relevant comments.