Who Goes First?

(I was tempted to title this thread “Who’s on First,” but I resisted. ; ) )

One thing that I can’t seem to find addressed anywhere in the Core Rulebook is this: Which Character in an Action Scene takes the first Turn?

As I said, the book doesn’t seem to say anything about this. I looked through some of the Adventure Issues, and it seems that they instruct different characters to go first in different scenes.

So, my Intuition :d4: is telling me that the GM simply decides which character goes first in each Action Scene, depending on what makes most sense for the narrative. Right?

Correct. On page 17 under Taking Action: “As the scene begins, the GM presents the situation and decides who acts first.”


Thanks, @TheOneWaaagh! It does indeed say that.

I usually wait for one of the players to want to take a swing. Otherwise, the villain goes first, just like in the card game! :slight_smile:


Yeah, I’ll usually start things off by describing the villain doing something obviously villainous but not an attack, which then allows the players to step up and be heroes.