Who's still on pre-order?

This is really all I wanted for an update. Confirmation that some form of movement was happening on the game and we would know something soon. Monthly updates just saying hey we did this to get this out the door is Great for me.

Thanks, Maggie! Greatly appreciate the update and the offer for more. :-D 

I would like to check… Is this meant to say a bigger announcement is forthcoming in an actual month or two, or is it more of an indeterminate ‘soon’?

I read it as saying they expect to be able to make an announcement within the next month or two.   

But there was the clause that they had to get through a project or two first. So if the timing is dependent on other projects that makes it more indeterminate to me.

We can go in circles on this about how you want to read that statement on when they will make an announcement.  All we can do is try to hold them to the fact that they have promised one in the near future.  

That's why I asked to clarify, so come the end of April we don't run into confusion and disappointment if things turn out differently than hoped for.

I'm just telling you that to me I don't think it needs clarity. If the major announcement about Prime War doesn't happen by end of April we should be pressing for more information. 

Thanks, Maggie! Greatly appreciate some news and movement on the project. Hopefully the announcement brings more good news.

For whatever it's worth, I too am still on the original Broken City/For Profit pre-order.  I got burned out on Sentinels during the OblivAeon playtest, to the point where I rarely play anything Sentinels-related anymore... so, at this stage, it might be better if I just asked for a refund of this pre-order.  However, a part of me hopes that whenever this project finally gets completed (in whatever form that takes) it might reignite my enthusiasm for Sentinels.  For now I'll stay on the bandwagon of "hmm, I'll wait for one more update..."  I've been there so long, it's pretty comfy by now. 

Yeah. I can understand burning out on it. I kind of hit the same point with my group as there is no new content to explore either. Most of us have shifted to Marvel Champions. Similar feel in a lot of ways but we get to have some fun tweaking decks.

I will say that Prime War does use a fun and unique system that does feel a lot different. The game feels more like Spirit Island where area control, movement and action speeds all come into lay. I am not sure how I feel about the story/lore yet as it seems like a contrived reason to mash a bunch of characters together, but overall it should be a fun revisit to the SotM world.

FYI Legends of Sleepy Hollow amd Sentinel Comics RPG updates today. LOSH update indicates delays as the graphic designer is currently undergoing testing for CPVID-19 after a family member contracted it and so is unable to work. At this time he is unable to work and game is on hold other than reviewing white samples from factory. The factory for Sentinel Comics RPG is closed currently so they are taking this time to work on text and art for that product. 


Count me amongst those who still have their pre-order. With all the time off I might swing by the ol' playtest forum, see if I can't be useful somewhere.

I'm still waiting, hoping that whatever is going on behind the scenes ends up making an excellent game. But man it's been quite a long time though. I played what felt like a really polished demo 3 years ago. Gotta think that it's closer to something than not at this point.

Well it’s the end of April so I guess it’s time to press for more info. Especially since tomorrow is first Tuesday of the month and that’s when they give updates on other projects on kickstarter that they are behind on.

I realize covid 19 has disrupted things but can someone from GtG provide an update as promised?   The guys of LFG haven't posted any updates on their site since October either. 

The demos they'd been running at cons were getting better and better! :-D 

Hopefully we'll get some news, soon. 

Maggie did promise news around this timeframe and I'd like to see information sooner than later.   It's now been six months since any public news.   I hope I'm not sounding hostile but it's certainly getting frustrating to only get news from second hand sources at cons for the most part.    

The two month timeframe statement also referenced getting some other things done, which I presume mainly includes Legends of Sleepy Hollow and Sentinel Comics RPG. LoSH did have an issue with an artist getting COVID-19 (since recovered and back at work) and the RPG has an issue with the US factory being closed. But today is likely to be KS update day for both of them and will hopefully indicate development completion of those projects.

A brief update on Prime War within the indicated timeframe would have been nice, even if it was a 'delayed by pandemic' message. But I'm not surprised it hasn't happened because the forgotten back burner is the norm for this project.

Not sounding hostile, Powerhound; your concerns are understandable. :-) 

And honestly thanks for being civil and thoughtful in raising and discussing your concerns, folks. It's greatly appreciated! 

FYI, Legends of Sleepy Hollow, Spirit Island Jagged Earth, and the Sentinels RPG got updates so far today. Still waiting to see the update on Prime War.