Unfortunately, there's a colloquium here in Bloomington that Friday for which I know the speaker, so I won't be able to be there early on Friday. I could run an event starting at 7:00.
Should work for me, although I'll want to borrow your New Bedford sometime before then, Andy, to refresh myself on the rules. I'll _definitely_ have to refresh myself on Spirit Island, as it's been quite a while since I played...
Is this something you want to do? I'm totally happy to run both demos of Spirit Island. Playing or demoing Spirit Island is basically my favorite activity. (But it also sounded like I was the only one comfortable demoing Brew Crafters.)
New proposal. I've cut the times down to 7, cutting out Fri afternoon (I'm the only one who could be there) and Sunday (Jeff will be gone and by then I think we might be out of steam). I've cut out Tactics and Brewcrafters from the scheduled events. I can see us doing Tactics demos in the free space area. I think it's more important for us to have fun then to worry about demoing everything. In fact, we might want to simply have everyone demo whatever they most want to run during their scheduled slot.
7-8:30 New Bedford, Russ Free space: Andy
8:30-10 Fate of the Elder Gods, Andy Free space: Russ
10-11:30 Compounded, Jeff Free space: Russ
2-3:30 Spirit Island, Dylan Free space: Jeff
3:30-5 Spirit Island, Dylan Free space: Andy
7-8:30 New Bedford, Russ Free space: Dylan
8:30-10 Fate of the Elder Gods, Andy Free space: Dylan
Are you happy with your timeslot?
Are you happy with the games your assigned to run?
How will the games in the Free Play area work? There's a bunch of games we'll want to be able to offer, right? (SotM, Tactics, meta-games, ...) Where will they go when nobody's in charge of that area?
I think we'll need to make sure that there's always someone there. I was vaguely thinking that during gaps the two people on either side of the gap would split the time.
Let's go a step further. If you are next to a gap, you are responsible for being in the free space area during the gap. We'll have at least two people during those times.
Hmm, I'm going to want to get dinner sometime between 5 and 7 on Saturday. (I'm scheduled to run a demo of Spirit Island until 5, then be in the free area starting at 7 through until 10pm.)
Could we get a big storage tub for the games so we can easily put it in a car if we need to? That way the people on either side of the gap can coordinate. We just need to be sure it's in a correct car (so that we have access when needed).
Assuming that scheduling works (which I'm not really going to be able to work on for a while, as my ex-wife has her craziest work month of the year coming between now and the end of February), I'm good.
Hmmm … I'd like to get the events in sooner rather than later. I don't think anyone else is comfortable/interested in running Compounded. Is there another game you'd like to run? We could simply run Sentinels in that slot.
Events have been created. Schedule changed because even submission required games to start on the hour and to last for increments of whole hours. I decided to err on the side of caution and put everything in for two hours.
ALSO, with this schedule there are only two food breaks: Lunch and dinner on Saturday. How about Russ and I, as the person handling the free space before the food break and since neither of us have commitments right after the food break, stay in the free space an extra hour.
6-8pm, New Bedford, Russ (free space: Andy)
8-10pm, Fate of the Elder Gods, Andy (free space: Russ)
10-noon, Sentinels, Jeff (free space: Russ)
1-3pm, Spirit Island, Dylan (free space: Jeff)
3-5pm, Spirit Island, Dylan (free space: Andy)
6-8pm, New Bedford, Russ (free space: Dylan)
8-10pm, Fate of the Elder Gods, Andy (free space: Dylan)
Y'all okay with this (perhaps finalized) schedule?
Russ, I'll give you my copy of New Bedford
Dylan, will you be up in Indy any time soon to give me your copy of Fate of the Elder Gods, so I can study it? I'll also check w/ GtG to see if they have something they can send me.
On another note, I was contacted by one of the WYG organizers who expressed interest in us possibly running demo games of Tactics for their tween/early-teen program, because they're looking for a miniatures game. This is someone who played on the winning team in the tournament at WYC 2015. I'm following up with him for more information but haven't made any promises.
Works for me! The Spirit Island games won't last the full 2 hours, I don't think, so I'll have time for a break in there.
I'm driving up to Michigan through Indianapolis on Friday evening. Do you want me to drop it off then? It's not 100% up to date, but I think the modifications were things like tweaking the artifacts. But they've been sharing great new art on Kickstarter, so we might be able to snag that.