Who's Yer Con 2017

Thanks, Dylan.


Re: Tactics demo for tweens/pre-teens. For anyone who would like to run that, what time would you like to run it?

I'm happy to be involved. Looks like I'm pretty open between noon and 6 on Saturday, and I could probalby do something Sunday.


I've said we can do something at 10am Sunday, because I was sure that if nothing else I could make that time. I'm reluctant to schedule this during the times we have other events scheduled because I'd like us to be able to enjoy hanging out with each other in the free play area.

My ex and I had a brief conference with each other yesterday as we started to try to talk calendars, since the kids get to spend weeks with me again (yay!). As part of that, we were projecting calendars out roughly through the end of March, and so I'm cleared to spend the whole weekend in Indy.

I'll still work a full day Friday (it's turning out to be an important prep day, as it's one of a few days where there aren't many students in labs and so I can focus on prep & arranging for chemical waste disposal), and so will probably arrive late-dinner or so that night. (I'm done at 3:30 Central. If I do a cheat drive/bus to work, I can probably hit the road by 4 and be in the Indy area around 7 PM Eastern).

If it's not too late, feel free to put a Compounded demo on for the 8-10 on Friday night.

I'm going to add a demo for 8-10 on Friday of Compounded, per Jeff's request.


I'm going to let Matt know that Russ can run Tactics for the tweens on Sunday at 10am.

Event registration just opened. We've got a few people signed up already. Current counts:


  • Compounded, Fri 8pm, Jeff, 0
  • Fate of the Elder Gods, Fri 8pm, Andy, 1
  • Fate of the Elder Gods, Sat 8pm, Andy, 0
  • New Bedford, Fri 6pm, Russ, 2
  • New Bedford, Sat 6pm, Russ, 1
  • Sentinels of the Multiverse, Sat 10am, Jeff, 0
  • Spirit Island, Sat 1pm, Dylan, 1
  • Spirit Island, Sat 3pm, Dylan, 1


Bwah! What? They aren't supposed to actually sign up for the events! Now what do we do?!



It gets worse, you're on the hook at 10am on Sunday to teach Sentinel Tactics to kids.







You probably shouldn't slice your head open in front of children.   :grin:

But it's a great trick... 

Things are already filling up!

  • New Bedford, Fri 6pm: 4/4
  • Compounded, Fri 8pm: 4/5
  • Fate of the Elder Gods, Fri 8pm: 2/4
  • Sentinels of the Multiverse, Sat 10am: 1/5
  • Spirit Island, Sat 1pm: 2/4
  • Spirit Island, Sat 3pm: 3/4
  • New Bedford, Sat 6pm: 4/4
  • Fate of the Elder Gods, Sat 8pm: 1/4
New Bedford is popular!

They must have heard about the secret cloaked Romulan Bird of Prey on the fourth open ocean tile.

I just realized that I really screwed up. Somehow I failed to notice until just now that that weekend, April 1-2, is the same weekend that I'm organizing a conference for work in Bloomington. I'm not sure what to do here.


I can probably come up more than I earlier said on Friday. But that doesn't necessarily help so much.

Work conference at Who's Yer Con?

I wish I could!

I've been really looking forward to both of these events for months. Somehow I never thought about them at the same time. I think the fact that I was organizing the one conference meant that it never made it on to my calendar.

Changing the topic slightly for a moment:

Would some of the Indy residents suggest a restaurant/bar near the hotel that might otherwise be suitable for a meetup from a different circle of my life? I'd prefer not excessively loud so that we could actually, you know, talk to each other. If a bar, pool by the hour is a plus but not mandatory.

Since editing posts doesn't always make things view properly here, a follow-up:

  • There are other Sentinels games listed on the "Modern Boardgaming 101" track, in case we want to reach out to the person in charge there & offer extra support staff.
  • On Saturday evening, I'm now planning to meet some fellow Redditors at the Elbow Room pub. I'll be around to help fill out games or handle pick-up sessions of Sentinels/Compounded/a couple non-GtG things until c. 5:30 or so. Anybody else who's interested in attending is welcome to come along, IMO. (I know we've got the New Bedford & Elder Gods demos running later that night.)
  • Saturday AM, before the first actual event starts, I'd be open to an OblivAeon playtest if any of the playtesters - I'm not one - wanted to bring things along & playing in our space wouldn't violate NDAs.


Can you get your copy of Spirit Island to me? 


If so, i'll ask for help about the best way to teach it and should be fine.


The two SotM events under Modern Gaming 101 are run by someone I know well (Jaclyn Kaufman) who is very experienced at SotM and is on the board of Who's Yer Gamers, in charge of organizing volunteers.

The Sentinel Tactics for Tweens is the event that Russ is going to run.

Elbow Room is great. Don't think I can join you. Russ will also be running a game and Dylan's not coming, so I'm afraid we won't be any company.

I'll pass on OblivAeon Sat morning. Too complex to dig into on a day where I want to have energy for a lot of other things. In fact, I make no promises about being there before noon.