Whose Tim Cosing?

It's not the same website.  It's sentinelsofthemultiverse.greaterthangames.com.

Also, you can't log into it with your account.


Right there in the 'Intervene' screenshot, on the mega computer screen where he never was before. Conspiracies everywhere I tells ye!

I just noticed this as well. Reloaded the GtG page because I suddenly was not signed in...

I guess this is saying they're going to replace their website?

Edit:  It is linked to the login database for this site, as I couldn't create my account there.  It said it already existed.

I saw him there but I meant thread wise.  He has posted on some rare occasions. 

The OP is named CornCakes from Anchorage. There's a restaurant in Anxhorage that serves Corn Cakes called MyThai. I'm sure this is relevant.



The title also has a typo…or does it?

Possibly but there haven't been any other posts by them.  And like I said earlier their account is a new one likely made today. 

QR code in rule book also redirects to /replaceme...


I thought to replace "replaceme" with something else:


By the way, the standard "replacement card" URL is different in a few ways:


So, there are 9 lines in that new page, and 9 instances of Tim Cosing in the Playtesters list.  Can we find a pattern in there?

Search for TimCosings and select users (instead on content).

What if the last expansion represents an alternate timeline and comes with the characters from Quando Ahora? Or maybe it includes rules for moving cards amongst decks?

Tim Cosing…Time Closing?


If you look at the source for this page, it has the following comment embedded:



The title of the tab I opened it in is also "beginning" no caps or anything

124185 shows up in the middle of the fifth line, after the fifth word.

Also, note that 124185 is in the current range of comment numbers. Let's see if we can figure out what comment is 124185 on the forums ...


Hmmm … doesn't seem related, though it is suspiciously by MigrantP:

