Whose Tim Cosing?

Villains arrived in the mail today and I was looking through the rulebook and he's listed 20 times as a playtester. I know GTG does little hints all the time, but I can't solve this one

edit: Summaries.

It's Coming...

Quick! Everybody find the other playtester name that’s an anagram! That’ll be the next clue for sure!

Also, Tim Cosing has an account on here that leads to a Twitter account active since December last year and containing a QR code.  http://www.twitter.com/TimCosing

That QR code goes to http://sentinelsofthemultiverse.greaterthangames.com/replaceme

... which is the same place you get to if you play three Mega Computers in the Video game.


As my comment in the 'Intervene' thread suggests, ARG? Or at least, treasure hunt?

Tim Cosing's twitter comment "You. Find me." certainly suggests something along those lines. Note that the tweet "Too quick, K." went up shortly after Kratos13 posted about the Mega Computers.

EDIT: Also notice this comment from Tim Cosing: https://greaterthangames.com/comment/124577#comment-124577

hmm... replacements? Any mileage in what that might be suggesting? Replacements for who, and how, and why?

Could this be related to the speculation about villain decks turning into heroes? Not sure how the Mega-Computers would play into that, however.

This is getting weird for sure.  I'm intrigued for sure but it seems odd all of them came up in the same day.  

Edit: The first Twitter post would coincide with the day they announced they had villains on 12/22 and the second post on 12/31 would be the first day I recall anyone saying they got their copy.

Do you suppose there's any significance with where Tim Cosing appears on the list? The other names appear to be in alphabetical order. Let's see: Cosing appears between

  • Blankstein -- Blick
  • Blick -- Blount
  • Burton -- Cabibi
  • Crow -- Dade
  • Garrett -- Gillingham
  • Gottesman -- Graham
  • Hansen -- Haulk
  • Kramer -- Kramp
  • Rabinowitz -- Rawcliffe

That's only 9 times; where did the "20 times" that started this thread come from?

I tried this in the iPad version and did not get the same results so this must be Steam specific. 

Lastly the join date of TimCosing account is 12/15/2015

Tim Cosing also posted in that thread on the Mega Computers: https://greaterthangames.com/comment/124579#comment-124579

How did I not notice all this?

Where is Guise when you need him to help clear things up?

So, I know it might be a little silly now, as I got distracted by other things more exciting things that happened with this, but the "8" times Cosing pops up would correspond to the number of boxes that comprise the game I.E.:

1.)Base Box

2.)Rook City

3.) Infernal Relics

4.)Shattered Timelines


6.) Wrath of the Cosmos

7.) Villains of the Multiverse

8.) (last expansion?)/ Its coming

of course I think this only works if the next expansion is the last one... or maybe its not even that

Also of note the original poster of this thread is a new forum member......who I don't think has posted anywhere else before.

Edit: Corncakes is from Anchorage which is where the Scholar is from who is thought to be a nemesis of big bad in the last expansion. 

Curiouser and curiouser. Down the rabit hole we go...

This is neither the first, nor likely the last, time that I follow a giant anthropomorphic animal down a trans-dimensional conduit.  That's why I always pack a lunch and several SotM decks.