Worst 4 Player Team?

So I LOVE the best team discussion in the other thread, and I almost brought this up in a tangent, but decided to make a new thread for it. What would be the worst, least synergizing team you could put together? My thought was everyone in one role without much utility. Something like Expat, Ra, Chrono Ranger, and Bunker. Bunker probably adds too much utility and tanking, but there's a good chance he could be card starved early and pretty ineffective.

The more I think about it, the harder it gets, because just about everybody has something to contribute to the team. It just takes familiarity with the decks to realize what your contribution to the team should be.

I'd say it would probably be a team full of heroes that require build-up and are heavily dependent on draws maybe Fixer, Ex-pat, Bunker, and AZ

Perhaps something with all support? If you had Visionary, Scholar, Legacy and AA it'd be hard to deal damage, though the control of the field and the decks might mean that's a non-issue

I'd considered something like that but came to the same conclusion. Plus, Legacy and Scholar have plenty of damage (and shoot, Visionary has a bunch of damage one-shots), so as long as you're letting Scholar take damage, he's pumping out a ton every turn, assuming he has the card draw to support 3-4 +healing and damage-to-heals cards out.

I had a game teaching my brother and his wife to play last week where we drew Visionary, Legacy, and Tachyon (all base, I didn't have promo cards printed then). I expected we wouldn't have any damage, but Tachyon just went to town with +2 from Legacy.

Much like the best team, there is no defined worst team aswell. Unless you get into specific villians, a all support team or lack of innate damage teams would have trouble on Baron Blade, but wouldn't be nearly as bad as going against someone like Voss.


Also Visionary, Scholar, Legacy, and Argent doesn't sound like a bad team up at all. Argent with +2 damage would be able to deal out at least 9 damage a round with just using the Drum with Forst and Flame and Syncopated Onslaught. Or pull off 12 with the Pipes and two copies of Frost and Flame. It would also get pumped up to 15 if you use the above method if used after the Lyra using Inspiring Supertonic and Syncopated Onslaught. Now throw in a Harp before that and he could also gain 2 HP. If you really wanted you could drop one of the Frost and Flames and get a Rhaspody of Vigor, thus dropping him back down to 9 damage but also healing everyone by 1, if Scholar at least has Mortal Form to Energy he would be able to deal out 3 damage aswell. The downside to them is that if there is reduction it will cut the damage they deal drastically, as most damage they will be doing are starting instances of 1.


In the end though it really depends on the villian as to who the worst team would end up being, as all the Villians have a different approach.

Another thing to think about is that AA and Legacy could heal when they attack and heals=attack for scholar so I think he could crank out a ton of damage on this team.


I would have to agree that all setup would be tough.  Also if you gave everyone the same kind i.e. everyone is based on lots of equipment cards, things like tech singularity and devistating aurora would really really put you back.

OOOOOO! I love this topic.

Also, something like (for example) Akash'Bhuta in Rook City when you have no Environment destruction could be pretty rough...or Iron Legacy (or Dawn) when you can't nuke Ongoings. Stuff like that.

Yes -- the team with little or no Ongoing destruction can run into some serious, serious trouble. 

A team composed of some combination of Legacy, Haka, Bunker (standard), Ra, Fixer, and Scholar would find themselves in some nasty situations, with no methods of removing ongoing or environment cards.  This wouldn't be an issue against some villains or environments, so it's all situational.

Generally speaking, you need to let what your heroes can do advise your play.  You have a team of Chrono-Ranger, Expatriette, Ra?  So what?  It'll be a short game.  Attack attack attack. 

For instance, against The Dreamer, in The Block, you wouldn't care. Against Iron Legacy, you would probably be in massive trouble.

Worst team up I've tried up to now was Bunker, Argent and visionnary against Omnitron. Got wiped twice very fast because lack of reliable damage meant the 15 hp lightning device was massively destroying us (came out in first two turns both times).

A lot of villains start out deadly and weaken as the game goes on. (Dawn, Voss, Ambuscade, Ennead, etc.) I'd think a team of Bunker, AZ, Expatriette, and Argent Adept would take a beating while getting setup against villains that start with cards in play. This team would also stuggle with equipment destruction.

Erm, I can't say I'd completely agree that someone like Dawn weakens as you go on - the longer you leave it, the more chance she has of getting out Ongoings (eg Return with the Dawn) and more citizens in the trash (to be brought back by the aforementioned ongoing) or in play if you can't take them down fast enough. It also makes a Devastating Aurora more likely to come up as you work through the deck. The same goes for Voss and Forced Deployment, or the Ennead and the cards that bring more of them out. Ambuscade I suppose just has more bombs and stuff...I've only fought him twice and didn't have a huge amount of trouble taking him down.

I just mean they start with cards in play. As the game goes on and players clear the cards off the table the game gets better for the players. There are certainly a lot of cards in every deck that can lead to huge villain turns.

Legacy and Golem Unity could get awkward. "Inspiring Presence and Galvanize! Have +2 damage, everyone!" "Damn it, Legacy." It's still probably worth it because all those golems you're paying +2 for are getting +2 themselves, but still.

Haha... oh man, Legacy, Fanatic, Golem Unity, and Nightmist? Aside from Legacy's +damage making them all hit themselves harder, that's a great team. (FWIW, if I was playing Legacy there, I just probably wouldn't put out Inspiring Presence or use Galvanize, unless our team was ready to project some force.)

Bunker, Argent Adept, and Visionary vs. Omnitron can certainly deal if they draw the right cards.  Argent Adept can nuke the Explosive with Cedistic Dissonant.  Visionary can steal the threat with Wrest the Mind.  

Bunker is a known issue against Omnitron, due to his heavy reliance on equipment.  Argent Adept has a bit of that problem.  As Visionary, try as hard as you can to avoid the hell out of Technological Singularity (and Sedative Flechettes, because ow).  It won't be an easy fight, unless you do get Wrest the Mind quickly.

Yeah, depending on how I'm working with NightMist or Fanatic I have that same response to people boosting my damage.

Much easier with Dark Visionary.  Probably why her win rate is (or at least was, I didn't check the newest stats) through the roof.