Would we ever see promo cards for Expansion Heros

Recently, I see a lot of threads mentioning how Mr. Fixer and Exp. seem to be "weaker". 

I am curious would there be promos for like expansion heroes, as Elemental AZ seems like a great way to provide a different start for some Heroes. Maybe providing something like that could allow them to play Mr. Fixer and Exp. more to their preferred style.

Out of the 4 Expansion Hero I can see Nightmist and Exp. gain new powers without modifying their original deck.

The only issue seems like Agent Ardent and Mr.Fixer seems to have their deck built around their power so much.

Like if you replace Perform for Accompany for Agent Ardent it sort of means he needs to get his instruments out in order to play melody. (Still possible, since he has card drawing cards and instrument summoning just might be rougher start )

Or Mr. Fixer, he can't really remove his damage ability since he does not have any other power in his deck and a lot of his cards are so tied into the Strike Power. And if he had a separate ablity with his Promo Strike, it seems that might make the original card seem underpowerd.


So what is other's view on this?

It would be tricky indeed to give Mr. Fixer a promo card, since his deck relies on having Strike.  I'm sure they could find a way to do it, though.  Something about discarding cards, I think.  The power would probably still be called Strike.

I think an Accompany-based Argent Adept would be fun to mess around with.  It would be worse, no lie, but different.  You'd need instruments quickly, but working with Cedistic Dissonant, Inventive Preparation, and Counterpoint Bulwark would be pretty good right off the bat, and more likely to get them for you.

When Christopher was in Indianapolis last month, either myself or a gaming friend of mine asked him about an Expatriatte promo. His answer was that there weren't any plans for one. That could always change, I guess, but I wouldn't look for one anytime soon.

One thing about Mr. Fixer is his promo card could have significantly less health and his strike could deal a target 2 damage. That probably would balance out fairly nicely.

Suggestion :

Strike : Discard X cards. Mr Fixer does X-1 melee damage to one target.

"X-1" because it would make multiple targets tools very powerful with only X, as well as Toolbox/Salvage Yard…


Does your ability mean if Mr. Fixer cannot do damage unless he gets 2+ cards.

Would be interesting, but might end up having a person just sitting there drawing 2 cards at a time, since none of Fixer cards allows him to draw more.


Out of curiosity has anyone tried playing the normal fixer with base strike damage of 2 and what happens?

I was thinking that with X=0 or 1, damage would be 0 - meaning he can still attack, and can even do damage with the right tools/styles/outside modifiers, and do "damage bursts" after a few turns of building up. Toolbox allows for a total of three cards drawn a round. I fear my suggestion would make him too powerful, he would need low HPs to compensate : Black Fist was a reckless fighter !

I did not try Fixy with damage = 2, but from what I've seen when he plays with Legacy, it could be too much - and make Charge redundant.