Some people have been asking about the possibility of buying SotM t-shirts, so I put together this poll. Assume, for the sake of the poll, that Adam does new, custom artwork based on SotM characters and we got it printed on t-shirts using good quality screen printing and sold the shirts for $20 plus shipping (~$5). Would you buy one?
If so, in what sort of t-shirt design(s) would you be most interested?
Plus shipping? No. I tend not to order things via package delivery though. If you sell them at a local convention (or you are somehow able to convince a local/global clothing store to stock them) then maybe. Though, I tend to prefer my shirts blank solid color, which means if I got one, I’d only wear it in the house.
I like both ideas about having all of the characters (like the box cover) or the character specific since we all have our favorites even though this is probably much less practical. Also if you go with white shirts make sure that they are a heavier weight fabric, sometimes the white t-shirts can be rather see through.
We’re still looking at our options, but what we’ve seen allows us the possibility of many different designs. So odds are you’d be able to get a shirt of your favorite character. And I have some awesome ideas. Specifically for Dawn and Voss.
I can be pretty picky when it comes to shirts … and I’m afraid I don’t have a clear idea of what kind of shirt I would want. On the othe rhand, would love to have an SotM shirt, if it happened to meet my vague, persnickety requirements.
I have too many black shirts, so I’d be more interested in them if brighter shirts were an option. The thing that always keeps me from buying designs I love on shirt.Woot! is the actual shirt color.
Oh, and for the love of a non-specific deific type power, have “girly”/fitted options! I know I’ve talked about this in person with some of you, but I HATE when there’s a really cool shirt design but it’s only available in the non-fitted style. I will pay an extra couple of dollars, if necessary, to get a shirt that fits me the way I want it to.
Yeah, it seems like people who design shirts for nerds think that nerds never actually go outside and prefer to only wear black.
I’ve never been a huge fan of the off-centered designs though. They look good on some people, but if you wear it with a coat/jacket, then you can’t even see the design. And they kinda draw attention to the one part of my body where I store my fat…
Fortunately, the place we’re looking at allows us to stock all sizes and shapes at no additional charge.
We have lots of brightly colored, visually interesting characters, so the best way to showcase them is on solid black - JOKING. Most of the ideas I have would look much better on a colored shirt, and if we have a design on black, we will most likely have it on other colors as well.
I don’t have any plans for side-printed or off-center shirts yet, but that’s mainly because I’m not sure of the printer’s capabilities. More on that as I find it out.
Be careful with off centered shirts… In my experience they are rarely designed to go on bodies i.e. if a girl cut shirt is cut loosely then a full flat picture will work, but if it’s the tight girl cut (they’re different cuts with the same name!) my boobs eat the picture and it looks awkward.
I would happily buy a T-shirt! I think its a great game and I want you guys to be successful. If wearing a t-shirt gets you even a tiny bit more exposure, I’m for it.