You can't fight Truth !

I just had a very, very … "full of Truth" game. The lack of luck of our heroes was so complete that I feel compelled to tell the story.

So. Citizen Dawn decided to raid Megalopolis, as a demonstration of power to the United Nations. It was not the first time, and when Wraith assembled a team of heroes to drive her away, she didn't feel very fearful. Business as usual.

Bunker, Unity and Horus joined Wraith. Dawn was parading before the UN with 3 of her citizens : Spring, Blood and Truth.

It is never pleasant to have Truth as one of the first Citizens to fight, especially when your heroes don't have high damage cards in their beginning hand, but, well, it was not the first time the Sentinels where in this situation. Patience will do the trick.

So : by round 2, they manage to kill Truth, thanks to Horus throwing his wand. The other citizens can wait.

Round 3 : Dawn plays "Return with the Dawn". The recentlly defeated citizen Truth is the only citizen in the trash. So he gets back, full health, and laughs at our heroes.

Wraith is the only who could have an ongoing destruction card. If she is lucky. So our friends bid their time, weakening Truth. But look ! Wraith draws a Grappling Hook ! Next turn, Truth can be killed !

Round 4 : Wraith destroys "Return with the dawn", Truth is killed ! Everything looks fine !

Round 5 : Dawn draws… "Return with the dawn". Truth, third edition. No Grappling Hook. Heroes, again, begin to reduce Truth's hit points, hoping for a hook in following turns…

Round 6 : Dawn plays… "Citizen Dare". Truth had 2 hp left. Dare destroys Truth - who then returns with the dawn, at full health, destoying Dare. Not only is he healed (again), but he damages our heroes !

Did I mention that, at this point, Dawn has two Channel the Eclipse in play ? And so as a whole army of citizens on the table, all invulnerable, thank to Truth ? Thankfully, Horus managed to make every one immune to fire, highly reducing the damage output of the citizens…

Round 7 : Dare gets out of the trash, killing Truth. Wraith manages to destroy "Return with the dawn" thanks to a lucky Impromptu Invention. Bunker's External Combustion and Horus's scorched earth clean the table of all citizens. With 4 cards played a turn, Dawn should flip back soon enough - Heroes prepare the killing blow by charging their omnicanon and preparing an equipment barrage.

One turn later, Dawn is about to flip back to vulnerable, the onmicanon is pointed at ther face. Wraith uses her infrared goggles, hoping to prevent a devastating aurora. And discovers that the 2 devastating auroras are on the top of the deck…


Dawn "demonstration of Power" was a success…

I've played a lot against Dawn but it was the first time I found myself fighting against this Truth/Dare/Return with the Dawn combo. But even with it, heroes could have won - if the two devastating auroras had not been on the top of the deck.

This game is awesome.

"That is not dead, which can never lie, and with the Dawn, Truth will never die" - Citizen Unspeakable, "Poetica Primalis".

Ooh, that sounded like a nasty game! I've had it before with two "Return with the Dawn" cards out constantly bringing back Citizens as fast as we try to destroy them (though I think Truth was one of the few who didn't end up coming out). Our team may have lacked Ongoing destruction too, which sort of didn't help :P. Another time we started with both Sweat and Tears out, so all heroes had had to discard two cards each before we'd even had a turn! That game didn't last too long… :stuck_out_tongue:

Once when we fought Dawn, she wasted one (or both, can't remember now) of her Auroras quite early on in the game, when we all only had a card or two out. In another game, they were both together about three cards up from the bottom of the deck, a fact which was discovered after we'd won and she had a relatively small deck left to draw from, so I checked to see where they both were.

Sometimes you can get lucky against Dawn. Otthr times, arrrrrgh!


So, one might say that "you can't handle the truth"?  

I remember a game were the 3 beginning citizens were Blood, Sweat and Tears… a difficult victory.

Actually Unity has ongoing destruction aswell in the form of Beebot!


Truth in the starting line-up is a real killer indeed. It's even worse when Anvil decides to join him. Dawn really likes screwing over the heroes once in awhile.

You beat me to it! Bee Bot doesn't look like much, but it has been a major luck-turner for us. I've been known to have one of my Raptor Bots chomp a bee at the end of my turn to get rid of particularly nasty cards.

Bee Bot is particularly good because it's can happen out-of-turn. It's about the closest thing there is to interrupt-speed removal in the game. Being able to halt end-of-turn villain and environment AoEs is amazing.

The problem with Bee-bot is the same than with Grappling Hook : you have to have it in hand to get the chance to use it ! ;)

But you are right, I forgot to mention Unity as an ongoing destroyer, blinded that I was by the "temporary luck" of Wraith drawing hooks "at the right time".

My preferred means of Ongoing destruction is the Adept's Sarabane of Destruction - doesn't help you against cards that prevent you from using powers, but is pretty damn epic against anything else, especially if you have both copies out and your Pipes :).

Chrono-Ranger would have been really nice to have in that situation. Could have maybe even saved you the whole game...