So first off, who's heard of this wonderful little game? It's basically Calvinball made into a card game. And it's ridiculus.
You just take a bunch of index cards, have each player write and draw on a few of them, then shuffle the blanks and non-blanks into a deck. Once hands have been dealt out, each player takes turns drawing one card and playing one card. If the card says something, you do what it says. If you have a blank card, you can write on it, adding a new element to the game. When the deck runs out, the player with the best score wins. But winning is essentially a formality. The "scores" might end up being irratioinal numbers, in scientific notation, or nonsense( in one game I played, the winner beat everyone by pi + a piece of string points). The real object of the game is to make the game as fun as possible, as silly as possible, and as insane as possible. At the end, players decide which cards were the best ideas, and keep those cards in the deck for next time( some might say making the most good-enough-to-keep cards is the true victory).
I bring this up because there's a version of 1KBWC that people play over forums like TVTropes. One person acts as a GM, collecting cards from everybody, sending people their new cards, generally keeping track of what's going on, etc. The others play the game by posting their actions to the thread. It's no substitute for the real, face-to-face game, but I think it looks like fun and I'm willing to try starting a game here. I'll need at least three or (preferably )four other people to make this game work.
Here's how this is gonna go down:
The first thing we need is cards for our deck! 1:2 is a good ratio of blanks to nonblanks. As for deck size... I wanna say 12 cards per player. So each player needs to contribute 8 cards to the deck.
To join, just respond to this saying you're interested. Then, send me your cards in a PM(Tinypic is your friend) and I'll add them to a deck! You don't need to make all 8 of them if you don't feel like it, since I'll be adding some cards in, too. Just send me at least 5.
A card needs a title, a picture, and a description of what it does. Each card should be a PNG that's either 300x400 or 400x300. Artistic talent not required; you're allowed to just use images from the internet if you prefer.
I'll PM everybody their starting hands once enough people have joined and submitted cards.
What am I allowed to make into a card? ANYTHING. Anything you want! There's cards that give or take away points from whoever they're played on (generally in increments of 100, no higher than 1000 points), cards that can add new rules or win conditions, and cards that do completely absurd stuff that isn't even useful but it's funny. Really, as long as the cards are fun, your'e doing it right. If your cards are just for making you win faster in the most straightforward way possible, you're doing it wrong. Let's make this crazy! Let's make this hilarious! Let's make this game AWESOME!
Who's with me?
GM'S NOTE: For those reading through this for the first time now, please keep in mind that some cards had their text altered after the game ended, and others might have been removed from the deck completely to save memory on my DropBox account. A second game is currently in the works, and watching that one will probably be less confusing. Not a whole lot has changed since this game ended( so far), so you ought to still get the general jist of what's happening, just don't be surprised if players don't always seem to be following exactly what the cards say.