Adam Art Stream PSA

Putting this here I suppose since it’s partly Sentinels-related?

As alluded to in the Editor’s Note, Adam’s been doing more art streaming on his Twitch lately, some of which is Sentinels, some of which isn’t. So you all should come gawk with us, as it’s often a good time.

Right now his schedule is:

Mondays: Writers’ Room covers, or catching up on covers for pre-Writers’ Room episodes that told Writers’ Room-esque stories.

Tuesdays: Redesigning characters from a non-Sentinels property into “Adam style”

Wednesdays: Playing a game then drawing a cool scene from the game.

Thursdays: Drawing tasteful pinups of Sentinels characters.

He often will also do things like draw Sentinels sticker designs when there’s enough time left after any of the above.

Some examples of what he’s all been doing:


Thanks for posting. Somehow Twitter keeps not showing his stuff, and I don’t do Twitch. So seeing the art from the streams and posts here is welcome.

If you have the TikToks, he’s also been posting his timelapses there: TikTok - Make Your Day

Though you don’t need a Twitch account simply to watch a Twitch stream, though it’s a bit harder to keep track of the go lives obvs. He usually streams around 12 EST or so.

I do not use tiktok. And I really, REALLY don’t like livestreams in general. Rather just see the finished product, not the process.


He always streams a couple of hours before I’m in a position to sit and watch, or I’d attend more often.

If you have Twitter set to “Following” instead of “For you” as your default screen, you should be able to find them more easily on there.


The only reason I didn’t post more of them here is it’s mostly the pinups, which while they’re tasteful they’re also still a bit more risque than I wanna post here.

And to add to MindWanderer’s comment, if you add people to a list you can read that list and get a plain old list of their tweets.

Oh, I never use the "for you’ tab. But Twitter has become even more of a dumpster fire than it was even a year ago, so… yeah.

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i have watched some of them on YouTube.
I have the DITL Unity on another tab right now. I was going to post a link on the Editor’s Note thread, but this thread is better.

Yeah some of them are also on the YouTube shorts, just not as many as are on Tik-Tok near as I can tell.

I will say that the best way to look at the finished products is to either keep an eye on Adam’s Twitter account directly, or put Adam in a list and view the list.

Both will let you straight up see a plain chronological list of his tweets, even now.

(And I tend to operate purely from lists on Twitter in general; plain old following isn’t worth it.)

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Here’s the most adorable bit of yesterday’s stream.

If you’re of OddballPaladin’s mindset and just want to see the finished results, check out for the Freedom Five and for Dark Watch.


And the dude opened his own website today, too.

He’s been going all in on this.


I just ordered 3 prints, will update upon receipt to show off for others to make their own decisions.


These are the ones I got the initial period he was offering them, though I dunno if the printer is different through his website specifically.


I think they’re printing in-house, so it should be the same. :+1:t2:

But they do come out wonderfully! :grin:

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What are the dimensions on those?



Sonvar beat me to it before I got up this morning, lol. And they’re basically that thick stiff photo paper type paper.

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anyone know what his general price for commissions is?
I do not want to start filling out an online for just for curiosity.

When me and Amelia commissioned pics of Manga Anthony and Pretty Boy Hippo it was $200 I want to say? In that ballpark, at least.


my birthday was 2 weeks ago maybe a Bday present for myself next year

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