Adam Art Stream PSA

Only about fifty grand to get all the villains on my blog illustrated. Another time, perhaps. :slight_smile:

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After a bit of chit-chat on Adam’s server, Adam says it’s totally OK to use the form just out of curiosity/getting a ballpark of how much a given idea might cost.


Is there a link to the server somewhere, and does he post all of the art from the streams there?

I may lurk just to look at the pretty art.

he doesn’t post his own art much, it’s mostly just a community space for the stream viewers to chat, but still a fun space

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Oh dang, the one and only churro is posting art in there too!?! I might lurk in just the art channel and hope to one day find time to make art as well :sweat_smile:

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Anyone want to pool resources to commission Adam to draw a mash-up character combining Citizen Hammer from Sentinels and Mechaneck from Masters of the Universe?

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As promised, a follow up. From order placement to delivery via USPS, 8 days in the continental US.

They are 8.5x11 inch, on heavier paper stock. Colors look good, satisfied with the final product. I wound up framing them for display, will figure out where in our game room they will be hung later.


I feel like you could get a pretty good feel for any person as a fan by asking them which three pics they’d pick, lol. I belatedly realized I coincidentally picked “my favorite three characters in their happy place” pics.

If I ever get another go round I’d probably get all covers this time, ADITL: AZ, Freedom Four 1776, and the La Comodora Saturday Evening Post pastiche.


That Fanatic cover was a 100% first choice for this. Citizen Dawn is one of our favorite fights (wife likes a “target rich environment”), and Nightmist is a favorite character for both of us. Sadly, a “Nightmist being badass” cover was not available. So I took the next best option for her.


Both Starshield Invocation and Tendril of Talontus are pretty good “Badass Nightmist” ones from her deck art (though honestly I think Master of Magic is my favorite art from her deck overall).

Never registered on it before but Nightmist appears to be doing some Polly Hedron-style geometry magic with her right hand there…which probably means nothing to anyone who didn’t buy the Guise Book.

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Sorry, should have clarified, was only looking at “covers”, for the vibes.

I might’ve gone with

for the badass whilst unpowered or

for badass sacrifice at the end of the Multiverse,

but I get that you might not want her to be overshadowed by other characters.

That darkwatch one is on the shortlist for future covers.

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I had a feeling that the ARG comics might not be available for prints due to being too old, and a quick ask confirmed, only Podcast and DE art.


That Fanatic cover is THE reason I will be ordering prints. After that it’s a matter of “do I want anything else while I’m at it?”

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Eh, guess we’ll wait for Definitive OblivAeon to get that then.

Yeah, my challenge is that I need 27 to replace all my EE prints, but I don’t want them all to come from Core and RCR, so I have to be patient:grimacing:

Okay, now I’m going to have to go through my DE cards and all the episode arts to find my three. Curse you!


This may be helpful for going through card art: Card Gallery