Adam Art Stream PSA

Helpful, but not helping. :stuck_out_tongue:


I started to go through this exercise, but quickly realized 1) that there are too many great choices to pick from, and 2) I’d rather wait for more Parse and Scholar content to be released anyway. In particular, there’s not much good “modern” Parse (as opposed to her First Appearance murdery look).


Creating a new Synthwave world (

I hope Adam develops this into an actual product. I sounds like the type of game I would back on Kickstarter at a PDF level download into a games folder and possible never look at.


Kind of putting it out there I regret finding out Adam has a lot of openly far right libertarian views that were not at all what I had been expecting before going to his server.

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After sleeping on it, I decided, screw it, I’m not going to be vague here.

I’ve dealt with too much abusive, inappropriate crap from this fandom, but being told that my mother and the other elderly people I know are stealing from everyone if they need Social Security to live? And that people like myself are stealing if we need some sort of safety net help because we have no other options?

And then not walking it back when I pointed out that was my situation?

That was just a real line that was crossed. One I had never expected to have to put up with from this community, let alone one of the people I’ve supported all these years.

He’s stated a bunch of other very uncomfortable things as well. Things like using the term “autistic” as a slur, or repeating what were explicitly Comicsgate narratives. Posting videos from people who write for the Babylon Bee.

And so I feel stupid having created this thread, because if I had known any of this I would not have created this thread. That’s not the kind of person I personally would want to promote. Which is why I wrote this, so I can make that clear to any people who come along later that, no, I didn’t know this at the time I made the thread.

I know this fandom has a “go along to get along” mentality, but, that’s not how I work. I’m still into Sentinels itself because so far Christopher and Paul, and the people at Critical Hits, have not done anything to disappoint me, but man, I’m not doing this.


Thank you for sharing. It troubles me that this has happened, and I only hope your statements help others understand the pain that they are causing.


You could edit the thread title and your initial post if you wanted to reach people who haven’t been following along since the beginning, rather than new readers having to get 45 posts in for this information. I only follow the Letters Page so all of this is news to me.

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I mean… yeah. There’s a sizable amount of people in this community who have caused pain to other people. Not just to me, but to other fans, and to GTG employees.

I’ve personally been mocked, harassed, verbally abused, had endless amounts of false accusations thrown at me, and gotten retaliatory actions aimed at me. And typically this sort of treatment was done in response to my expressing sincere concern about similar hostile behavior that was initially being aimed at someone else, which just makes it all the more hurtful.

I’m particularly currently banned from the Sentinels Reddit solely because MigrantP had me retaliated against for calling out him mocking another Sentinels fan. Complete with false accusations that other people engaging in abuse and harassment campaigns was really me bothering those other people, and that me asking the mods to deal with that behavior was “harassing the mods”.

And even after other Sentinels people went to bat for me corroborating everything I said was true, the accusations and bans still were not retracted. So if anyone’s wondered why I’ve been AWOL over there, that’s why.

That’s the kind of thing I’ve been dealing with.

But, you know, at least I guess up to this point it’s still always been about my opinions/behavior to some degree.

This was a number of derogatory takes on people just living their lives and existing. That’s a whole other level. It’s one thing for people to say they don’t like my attitude, because trust me, feeling’s typically 100% mutual for the type of people who make that sort of complaint at me. It’s another thing to be told that my living situation that I had no real other choice in, makes me somehow a problem just for existing in it.


I know you don’t care, but FWIW he did not say any of those things. His points (which I do not agree with) were as follows:

  • Taxation primarily goes to things that are not social services. Initially he says it’s mostly war, then he says it’s mostly “the pockets of unelected bureaucrats”
  • He is against his tax money going to public education or police, because he and his family do not directly benefit from those things.
  • Mandatory taxation is theft. People should be able to opt out if they want to receive no social services.
  • Social security was badly designed and is collapsing due to being underfunded, which was inevitable because the cost of it is growing faster than any reasonable amount that can be taken from taxes.
  • “I have nothing against people on social services, my beef is entirely with the government”

Again, to be clear, I disagree strongly with most of those positions. He’s right that Social Security was poorly designed, and we won’t get as much benefit from it as our parents did. He’s dead wrong about not personally, if indirectly, benefiting from public education or law enforcement. But please criticize him for things he actually said, which do not include accusing Social Security recipients of theft.


Correct, I don’t care about your claim here because he did say those things.

Since Adam’s server is public, here.

Which is provably false. And in fact my pointing that out is what led the convo down the path I complained about.

As I was expecting my pointing out that most of the debt goes to Social Security to be the end of the conversation, or at least a defusing of the situation. Instead I was blindsided.

I will indeed criticize him for this because that’s what he said, thank you, as there is obviously literally no other possible way to interpret him literally saying “oh great also stealing by Boomers” in response to my bringing up Social Security. Certainly multiple other people agreed with my interpretation when they PMed me afterwards, because, duh. That’s what he said.

This is why I’m increasingly fed up with this fandom’s nonsense. Someone explicitly, blatantly says a thing and people rush to pretend they magically really said something else and I’m just being unreasonable if I’m bothered by it, versus telling the truth and taking responsibility for what they very clearly obviously said. Why is that? Why is that a thing I’m forced to constantly put up with?

And I mean, I also explained how all his other points that you listed were factually incorrect, and in response I just got accused of being “willfully ignorant” and a bunch of similar brushoffs.

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I want to add some context to this, since I was there when it happened.
As Jeysie pointed out, this happened on Adam’s server, in his Meme channel of all place, and not on the stream, so only those who interact with both might have noticed it. Adam also has a rule on his server that states “No politics”, yet it is a rule he repeatedly breaks if it is a subject he feels strongly about and it is never “DEGENERATE”-style “STICK IT TO THE MAN!” things he talk about.
Adam also has this frustrating trait there if something isn’t of interest, or value, to him, he has absolutely no idea why it would be to anyone else.

I am not adding to this because I want some kind of Twitter-style witch hunt and try to get Adam #cancaled, but rather because he was a man I looked up to, and admired, and this kind of behavior has soured my view on him considerably, to the point where I find it hard to interact with his streams, as well as Sentinel Comics as a whole.


Yeah, to be clear, I was not intending my initial post as a “Cancel Adam” type thing either, because I’m not going to tell people how to react to things.

It was that I feel if I make posts promoting someone, that puts me on the hook for that, so I wanted to say now I retract that promotion and why. It’s my own personal feelings.

Right now I’m more just upset at the whole “Adam didn’t say that” approach being taken here.

MW, if you want to argue what Adam said wasn’t that bad, we can have that discussion. (Granted, I’d kinda rather not as this isn’t really the place for it, but, we can.)

Or if you want to argue “well he phrased it poorly, I think this is what he really meant”, we can have that discussion too.

But if you’re going to take the “he didn’t say that” approach, then I’m sorry, but he did in fact phrase it exactly that way and I don’t think I was at all unreasonable to initially interpret it that way.


Addendum post just because there’s some things I skipped over to stay laser focused, but realized honestly maybe I should comment on them as well.

Yeah, this got really annoying. I initially joked in DMs that for someone who claims to avoid politics because it made him angry, he sure has a lot of hot takes/firebrand “this makes me angry” takes on everything else that’s technically not political.

But then that bled into also actually discussing politics, and after a while his rules started feeling less like a way to avoid discord on the server and more like a way to say controversial things but then discourage disagreement about them.

Which, obviously not my style, especially if something is said that’s just flat out factually incorrect, as I don’t like incorrect information being what’s out there versus everyone having the accurate information available.

As I will certainly agree to not discuss certain things at all, as there’s a time and place, but I do not like “I get the soapbox and you can’t comment at all” type scenarios, especially when there’s no openness about that being the actual situation.

Yeah this came up not just in the political discussion as outlined, but also in discussions of things like comics and Magic Story. Where Adam would give off the attitude that just because he didn’t like something, that meant it wasn’t good at all period for anyone.

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