Why did you have to say “favorite or best” McBeher? Because its hard to call what people are talking about. Far be it from me to argue against anyone’s favorite character. If they’re your favoirte, then they’re your favorite! End of story. You don’t need a reason for a character to be your favorite, or it could be for reasons entirely outside gameplay. How they look, what other comic book hero they are an homage to, dialogue, theme… anything. Furthermore, favorite-and-best are often in direct contradiction to each other. I love Bunker… but I’m going to put him in my “3 worst” heros as you’ll see in a minute. But if it was based on favorite… I doubt he would be there.
The best:
#1: Visionary. I don’t see why people don’t squeal about this amazingly incredible hero more often. I feel sometimes that myself and flamethrower are her only fanboys. One look at the Flawless Victory thread will show that Visionary is the lynchpin in just about every one of them. So much so that we’ve specifically taken on the additional challenge of trying to get flawless victories without Visionary, because if you pick Visionary, the right villan and at least one hero with a damage absorbtion power [legacy, Ra, Zero], you can rack these up ad infinitum with little challenge in doing so.
But that oughtnt be my entire argument, and its not. No, despite the brokenness of Twist the Ether, visionary is good because Visionary does everything. She can tank, deal damage, control villan deck, control environment deck, control villan trash, buff, debuff, and help people draw cards. I mean really, what else is there? Wrest the Mind is exceedingly powerful when played on the right target, especially if followed by Telekenetic cocoon. Plummeting Monorail is great for this, and a bit of a teaser thrown in here, there is an enviroment card from Infernal Relics that can put Plummeting Monorail to shame in terms of “things you want to mind control”. Her base power is among the best base powers in the game -possibly the best base power in the game (its either that or Galvanize)-. Especially good when used on Tachyon, but also perfect for hunting for a specific card that a hero really wants to get out or have in hand.
And if that happens to be an ongoing card, and it gets destroyed well, that is what Mental Divergence is for. Ahem, well, that is one of the things Mental Divergence is for. Mental Divergence is absolutely fantasitic agaisnt any villan that uses ongoing cards.
But her best thing is probably Suggestion. First it gets two cards out of the trash, which is oh-so-useful and oh-so-rare of an ability. I don’t believe any other hero can take something out of the villan trash once it is in there. Putting one card back on top of the deck is maddeningly good, because it can give you a turn where the villan essentially isn’t doing anything, or isn’t doing much. But the fun doesnt stop there, you get to pick a card you dont want to see again and put it at the bottom of the deck. Great against any villan that gets stuff out of their trash.
That was longer than I thought. I was going to post the others in my top 3, but I think I’ll spread it out a bit and instead just do one of my bottom 3.
The worst
Absolute Zero: I’m posting him instead of anyone else because I want to be controversial, I know he’s got a lot of love. But it is the absolute truth that I think he belongs in the bottom 3. Reckless mentioned this in another thread, and he was spot on. Someone said that Zero was great against villans that dont kill your stuff very much, to which Reckless replied essentially that -that is exactly his point. I couldn’t agree more.
Zero needs, at a minimum, 3 cards to work. He MUST have Isothermic Transducer, Null-Point Calibration Unit, and Thermal Shockwave. If he is missing any one of these he is not effective. And really he kind of needs Coolant Blast, and Cold Snap to be at his most effective. His ability to get his modules usually is not an issue, and though getting out Thermal Shockwave sometimes is an issue, I’ll ignore that problem for the moment. After an equipment wipe, he needs essentially 3 turns to get back to doing something. Thats just too long to wait. I’ve played many entire games of Sotm that were over -victory or defeat- in 4 turns or less. His base power is undeniably the worst in the game, a power that is not only useless, but actively harmful if you dont have other cards out to help. So if you dont have Null Point or Module Installation in your starting Hand, or if you didnt take damage the first turn, then you’re not using your first turn power phase, its as simple as that. This gives Zero the slowest start of any character in the game. And even after Null-point and Isothermic, healing 1 damage is still pretty lackluster for a power phase.
Finally, he is also very finicky. This has nothing to do with his effectiveness, so you have that as a disclaimer. But it DOES have to do with my enjoyment of the character, and since that was included in the original post, I’ll mention it.
Ra: Ok, I cast Blazing Tornado. 3 fire damage, 1 for the staff, 1 for Galvanize. 5 damage to the Assault Drone, it dies. Go ahead, Zero.
Zero: Okay, I cast Thermal Shockwave. Thats cold 1 damage to the repair drone, -Oh Galvanize, 2 to the repair drone- plus 2 to Omnitron, Plus 2 to myself -3 to myself because of Cryo Chamber-. So I take… 2…4…7. 7 Fire damage. Galvanize. 8 fire damage. and also I had Imapale going this turn, so that was another… 3 cold damage I deallt this turn so add on 3 to that I take… 11 fire damage. 10 fire damage because of cryo chamber. Then I deal myself 10… 11 -cryo chamber- cold damage… 12 cold damage because of galvanize so I… … heal for 2.