I think the best heroes are the ones who are good on their own, who set things up nicely, and exercise control over the villains
I think you might really be on to something there. With the exception of Visionary to some extent, pretty much every hero can make pretty good use of a damage buff. Everyone likes to draw more cards, essentially everyone likes a good buff, and stopping/slowing the villain and environment decks is also always helpful, so maybe the best heroes are those which have access to those capabilities. Although if those are the standards, that puts Legacy clearly above and beyond the rest of the pack, and I’m not entirely sure I want to put him there. A solid hero, for sure, but the best of the best? Not sure.
But with that said, I’m continuing on with the original heroes I had in mind.
The Best:
Before I get to his abilities, let me just say that Tempest is a clean sweep when it comes to my favorite hero to play. I hope my fanboyism doesnt pass off as bias because I know theres a legitimate case for him as a top 3 contender, which I will try to convince you all of with only minimal amounts of gushing. [EDIT: Omg you guys this is about to be a huge digression. You have been warned] Why? I dunno, I think part of it is that I’m a “lightning guy”. Take any video game since Final Fantasy and you have 3 basic elements. Fire, Ice, Lightning. And really, if you’re a gamer, you probably have a preference.
Fire: It just seems to cater to those of us who want to destroy things. Burn baby, burn and all that. You might be a wee bit crazy or useing fire as your outlet. Fire is pretty much always effective, and often carries the rider of “burn damage” which is generally super good. I mean there’s really not much to not love here, but it does invoke the pyromaniac in all of us.
Ice: Ice caters to… [blantantly sexist comments ahead. I apologize. Really I do. I’m better than this. But heck, I’m already married so, why not…] gamer girls. Seriously. I don’t know what it is. Maybe its the “ice-princess” thing, but I’ve noticed female gamers pretty much always have Ice as their element of choice. Maybe its because their gamer boyfriends or, in the case of my sister when we were kids -their gamer brothers- tend to choose fire or lightning and they want to be different. Maybe the blame falls entirely on Shiva from Final Fantasy. Why do you have to be so sexy and awesome? Ice: Because you want to blow stuff up and look GREAT doing it.
Lightning: Which brings us to the best element, Lightning. I dont know why this is an element now, because the Greeks always said it was Fire, Water (could be ice), earth, and air. Which I guess Lightning could be air but you know what, We didn’t have an Earth element back in Final Fantasy 4. You have Fire, Ice, and Lit -because Lightning was too long to fit in the text box-. Later in FF6 when the creators added a character and got a slightly firmer grasp of the English language, you had Bolt. By now my digression has a digression. Anyway, so Lit appeals to those of us who arent as disturbed as the pyros, and want something that is always effective, all the time. Because stuff resists ice and fire damage. And sometimes ice and fire damage are super effective but you know what… Lightning damage is pretty much always lightning damage. Good old, consistent, reliable, and not only that but at the risk of making a bad pun… flashy. Its like man-ice. Fire just isn’t as cool looking. You want your enemies to die. But you also want to be the coolest nerd-baller in school. And that’s what lightning gets you. Fire? You got nothin. Your spells are uninteresting, and consist of Fire and BIGGER FIRE. In camp lightning, we’ve got lightning, and freaking chain lightning. Seriously, what fantasy game in the last 10 years hasnt had a variant of this spell? Not any good ones, I tell you that. And when you think about it, isn’t that what Tempest is all about? I seriously get this stupidly goofy grin on my face when I’m playing Tempest and I get to cast chain lightning. Because it’s the spell you always WANT to cast, but rarely get to.
End Digression on elements.
So I’m a lightning guy and it’s sweet. And beyond that when I first played Sentinels, I was shown a variety of decks with different pictures and simply told to choose the one I liked best. And I sure as hell did that. Tempest was my first play and I still like him the best. I picked him because he looked like he was carrying a wallet that said “bad motherf***er” on it. [pulp fiction, anyone?] And to date he is the only alien. That’s kinda sweet in and of itself. Its the freaking MULTIVERSE baby! Alien lightning dude? I am there.
Now then, lets get into his PLAY! The rest of this post will be at least 60% content, and only a 40% blend of gushing and snark.
With one-shots like Lightning Slash and Chain Lightning he can keep up with Ra in terms of raw damage output. His Gene-bound shackles can give him a huge boost with damage to the villan, especially if he gets to combine that with Electrical storm or Vicious Cyclone. Localized Hurricaine is a great card too and underused IMO. People don’t want to take the extra damage, which is understandable and even adviseable in some circumstanes… but with Localized Hurricaine you also get to be awesome. and being awesome is what tempest is all about.
Beyond that, both Flash Flood and Ball Lightning are absolutely great cards to have in hand. Tempests control over the game is in a very solid place, Less than Visionary, but certainly quite good. Into the Stratosphere wins games. Pure and simple. It is very similar to Visionary’s Suggestion in many ways. It makes the villain play what you want them to play. I was having so much trouble with the Matriarch and then I realized Tempest can just pop her mask into the stratosphere, giving you a full turn of respite, and possibly doing that several more times. There is practically ALWAYS something that is a great mark for Into the Stratosphere, an absolutely top notch card.
And when you thought the awesome was done… whats that? Oh its Reclaim from the Deep! Another of my favorite cards in his deck. Too bad I already played into the Stratosphere last turn. I guess I better just get it back. And heck, while I’m at it, Legacy, you’d love to get your Inspiring Presence back after that nasty Hugginn ran off with it wouldn’t you? Well just go ahead and plop it back on top of your deck and you’ll have it out again in no time. Ra? Did you run out of Fire Blasts? Oh, something tells me that you’ll have another Hadoken lined up for us next turn…
And did I mention he’s also the best healer out there, if your team is you know, dying on you or something? No. I don’t think I did.
Ok… that was probably at LEAST 50% gushing and snark. Sorry, I tried. I couldn’t help myself. I’m done now. For a little bit. Tempest is the best hero EV-AR!!! Ok now I’m done.