Two of Chrono Ranger's Bounties show targets we haven't seen yet. Dead Or Alive looks like an evil Wild West-themed character, reinforced by its flavor text - that's fun enough. I was surprised not to see him on the Paradoja Magnifica - is he in the Silver Gulch deck, maybe?
The other one, though, is much more interesting. The Whole Gang is a super 80's evil team of Ghost Rider wannabes... lead by a woman in a chair. It's hard to tell without any color, so this may just be me, but doesn't she look suspiciously like Miss Information?
P.S. As an aside, am I the only one who thinks Con is being kinda arbitrary, saying that Ambuscade needs to die at all costs? Why not Spite?
Spite's in a different card, isn't he? Kill on Sight, I think? Actually, is that Ambuscade and I was getting confused because their outlines look similar...
I think Ambuscade was chosen for the fact that he has a habit of going invisible. Thus it will make him harder to track down. Plus the fact that Ambuscade is hunting people, mostly just heroes, and not carry about civilians in the cross fire, I think he is up there on the terms of evilness. He's doing it for sport, that to me is actually more evil than being a uncontrollable drug-wrecked monster.
Spite does appear on another card, not from a Bounty though. He appears in The Block, under Defensive Displacement!
The guy appearing on Dead or Alive looks to be the same guy on Terrible Tech-Strike, and is not currently found in Silver-Gulch. I am curious as to what his role is and what he may do in the near future.
The Whole Gang is the one I have been the most curious about and am looking foward to seeing what this group is and what kind of powers the possess. Sometimes I wish they would only use art from characters already established rather than torture me so. Then again this game might not be nearly as fun without all this speculation.
Con is totally up to something. I'm sure I'm not the only one who got immediately suspicious when he was all, "hey Chrono, over here. I'm totally going to save you and help you for no reason." And the name. "Con". It's very obviously short for something or an acronym for something so that when we finally get the Big Reveal, we're all going to go, "Oh snap, that dude was Con all along!"
So I say Con is totally working his own angle with the bounties. We're going to find out he's been tricking Chrono into taking out the super-villain competition to clear the way for whoever Con actually turns out to be. Mark my words.
I never thought of Con as a set-up before, but it is possible. After all, the guy on the taken alive card looks suspiciously like Blade, if anyone needed to die before doing something irrevocable it'd be him (Iron Legacy). Con might be using Chrono-Ranger to ensure his own creation, yet still give him enough targets that are real to throw off the scent.
As for Ambuscade, he's hunting the heroes and, perhaps, is one of those guys who end up with a long villain career. Spite might not be as important because he get's set in the Block after a year or two and never really causes devastation on the long-term scale like AMbuscade does.
The Whole Gang is the one I'm most in, wild specualtion ahoy
It's funny. Ambuscade is a pastiche of Kraven The Hunter, of all people - a supervillain who has repeatedly gained more powers as a reaction to getting no respect, and who generally keeps right on getting none* - but Con is gunning for him, he takes down Tachyon in the future, and he enigmatically opts for death before co-operation with heroes. Pretty sinister, for someone who felt so minor. Also odd: I do not believe we've ever seen him interact with Haka.
As for Con's sinister agenda... I would really like to believe that (it was my first thought when I read the Ranger's bio, too), but SotM has yet to feature any kind of false leads towards the real audience, only the metafictional "readers". Maybe this will change, but it would (by definition) be a surprise. But, hey, it'd be a neat twist, and at least give some reason why it's Con instead of Eternal Haka, so I hope I am wrong this time.
* Grim Hunt is awful, and I shall not dignify it further.
We have seen Haka and Ambuscade interact with the Haka of Shielding and one of Ambuscade's trap cards. Haka himself has no personal grudge against Ambuscade, it's Ambuscade who keeps hunting him. I could see Haka feeling pity for the man who knows nothing about life then how to hunt.
It's not a trap card, it's the Personal Cloaking Device - it has the Haka of Shielding image from Ambuscade's point of view, right before he unleashes that fiery blast.
On the subject of Con, "Concordant Harmony" sounds a bit like the kind of name given to the Adept's songs. Maybe there's something there? I mean, Con is an ordered machine, sending Jim out to keep order by destroying critters in the past so they can't create the chaotic world of Con's present. And the Adept, in his bio, is decribed basically as the force of order (presumably not the extreme version as that's just as bad as extreme chaos) against the chaos of Akash'Bhuta. So maybe Con is the Adept? Or something? Um, dunno how or why, though. First thing I thought when I read Chrono Ranger's backstory was "ooh maybe Con is Omnitron", seeing how it's a sentient computer-machine thingy...but yeah, I'm not entirely sure Con is a "good guy".
I assume no one is a "good guy". You either die a hero or you live long enough to enslave the world in your grief-stricken quest for iron-fisted justice.