OK, I know that it's linked in a couple other places, but since I'm about to hit a whole bunch of adding/proofreading, I'm starting a new thread here.
First off, the link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AprCZHVK0QvtdDVyV1VTTk54TEJ1RFBlSXlJV1p0SVE&usp=sharing
The above link is maintained with the permission of GtG staff to facilitate play both for the visually impaired (who could use a Braille-equipped computer to read it) and to ease online (forum-based) play.
It contains everything currently public knowledge regarding card contents.
I have received some behind-the-scenes assistance from a few playtesters who were approached personally which should speed getting all of the Wrath of the Cosmos-related material into the sheet quickly once it arrives at my house in east central Illinois. However, they're human, and I'm human. In addition, some of the decks were never really proofread.
So: As you use the sheet, any deck or card that has yellow highlighting anyplace has not yet been "officially" proofread against card text for accuracy of capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and so forth. If'n people who haven't already contributed could each grab a deck and proofread it, that'd be great. Mostly this (currently) means environment decks and Vengeance-related material, with WCos coming shortly.
Post needed changes as replies in this thread, or an "all clear" if a deck is good.
(mods: can we sticky this please?)