OK, I know that it's linked in a couple other places, but since I'm about to hit a whole bunch of adding/proofreading, I'm starting a new thread here.
First off, the link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AprCZHVK0QvtdDVyV1VTTk54TEJ1RFBlSXlJV1p0SVE&usp=sharing
The above link is maintained with the permission of GtG staff to facilitate play both for the visually impaired (who could use a Braille-equipped computer to read it) and to ease online (forum-based) play.
It contains everything currently public knowledge regarding card contents.
I have received some behind-the-scenes assistance from a few playtesters who were approached personally which should speed getting all of the Wrath of the Cosmos-related material into the sheet quickly once it arrives at my house in east central Illinois. However, they're human, and I'm human. In addition, some of the decks were never really proofread.
So: As you use the sheet, any deck or card that has yellow highlighting anyplace has not yet been "officially" proofread against card text for accuracy of capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and so forth. If'n people who haven't already contributed could each grab a deck and proofread it, that'd be great. Mostly this (currently) means environment decks and Vengeance-related material, with WCos coming shortly.
Post needed changes as replies in this thread, or an "all clear" if a deck is good.
Ok... I think everything is up. Proof reading, confirmation that stuff matches older decks, making sure all the promo stuff is right... I'm "formally" requesting help on these.
I don't have the deck myself but Guise the Barbarian and Gritty Reboot seem like they should Limited Ongoings instead of One Shots. I say that because they have the text to be destroyed at the beginning of the next turn.
But it does have something to do with being Ongoings. Also since the rest of his Ongoings are Limited and considering how good those Ongoings are, one could guess that they are probably Limited. Which they are.
After first read of Guise's cards he almost seems like a complexity 4, I can't wait to see how he handles but I can already tell I'm gonna love him and one of my friends will absolutely loathe playing him and menace taking scissore to deck if not handled properly.
Guise is the most combo oriented deck to date, so he's on the high end of 3, similar to AA in that respect. Not a hero for someone who doesn't like to keep up with things on other people's turns or play a lot of cards/do effects out of the proper phase
Can anyone who has the deck in hand confirm if these are still One-Shots? They were that way on the proof sheet but we pointed that out as a mistake in the playtesting forum so they might have been changed for the final printing
Seriously, though, he's an amazing hero. One game I had him copy the Naturalist, who -- because of fixed point shenanigans -- had all 3 forms in play. Followed up with Guise the Barbarian and an out-of-turn Blatant Reference and Best Card Ever (which chained into Retcon, Say Cheese, and finally Look what I Found) thanks to Argent Adept, and he's dealing 4 projectile damage at the end of each hero turn, plus all of the other damage sources, for a relatively easy 40 damage in one round. Then, he can destroy "I'm that guy" to trigger Natural-born Vigor's effect and regain 4 hp on his turn.
Then he stole Argent's Lyra (which is actually a lute. I am never letting that go.) and used that to copy Naturalist AGAIN, while allowing Argent to play a card. Silver Shadow, this time, letting Guise play Selling Out. On Argent's turn he gets out X-STREEEEEEEEEAM and Barbarian, and the environment turn lets him play a bunch of one-shots: specifically, Where did I leave that, Say Cheese, (chaining into Best Card Ever, chaining into Look What I found) and Look what I Found for a total of 37 damage, after the discards for the first 2 hero turns before him in the turn order.
Even on Advanced Challenge mode, Apostate and his relics didn't stand a chance.
Sorry I've been so absent recently--outside of the one forum game, I feel like I've really been on the outs for a while.
I went through the WCos additions and cleaned up some of the obvious typos--transposed letters, capitalizations, missing letters/words--but I do not yet have my copy, so I'm hoping I didn't screw anything up. Hopefully, I'll have my copy by the end of this week!