Greetings forum! We are working on compiling a list of all typos/misspellings/etc in the game (both core and Rook City). Below is a list of all of the typos of which we are aware. If you are aware of any others, could you please post them in this thread? Thanks!
Typos in the Core Game
Insula Primalis
-T-Rex attack: should say “target other than itselfâ€Â
The inclusion of the T-Rex errata in the list makes it look like you’re looking for not just typos but just any changes that need to be made to the cards? If that’s the case, then here are the errata I’m aware of:
Fanatic/Chastise: instead of “play next to a target other than the villain…” it now reads “play next to a NON-HERO target other than the villain…”
Tachyon/Lightspeed Barrage: instead of “Tachyon deals x targets 3 sonic damage…”, it now reads “Tachyon deals UP TO x targets 3 sonic damage…”
Visionary/Wrest the Mind: should now read “play this card next to a target OTHER THAN A HERO OR VILLAIN CHARACTER CARD…” then change the damage that Visionary and the target takes from 2 to 3.
Citizen Dawn/Citizen Tears: instead of “if Citizen Sweat is in play, each player discards 2 cards.” it now reads “if Citizen Sweat is in play, each player discards 1 MORE CARD.”
Not certain if it’s a typo or not but in the Rook City expansion the glossary has “Nemesis” between “Rook City” and “Round”, every other entry is in alphabetical order
Mock? Mock?! Well I never! I was just subtly hinting that I may have exciting knowledge that you don’t. With, perhaps, an implied “neener neener”, to round it out.
I still have no real job >_< So I’ve picked up a babysitting type gig this week to make some extra cash. You guys have fun and sell a million games though!
Also, depending on whether you want just typos or Errata too, in Chris’ response to my questions, he mentioned that End of Days would need errata to prevent people from picking it as an early target and thus terminating it’s effect.
In The Chairman’s deck, the card The Muscle says “At the end of the villain turn, search the villain trash for a card named Enforcer.” (singular)
But there are no cards named Enforcer. There are only cards named Enforcers. (plural)
I’m not sure if this is a typo, an errata, or written correctly and just odd. Oxygen Leak says:
“At the end of the environment turn, 1 player may discard 1 ongoing card to destroy this card.”
Now, discard means “from your hand”, but this is the only card I can remember that ever specifies what type of card a player has to discard. Thus, I suspect that this should really say “destroy 1 hero ongoing card” instead. That said, I could be totally wrong, and it means exactly what it says and is just unique in that it tells you to discard a specific type of card.
I’d actually love it if someone official chimed in on this one
Would “discard 1 hero ongoing card” be a more useful description than “discard 1 ongoing card”? The only kind of ongoing card you’re going to have in your hand to discard would be a hero ongoing card, so the additional adjective won’t actually be imparting any additional useful information.
I have asked this question (though in a different way) and it is supposed to be that you discard from hand one ongoing card not in play, but in your hand.
(in response to Spiff)
If you re-read my suggestion, the primary difference was destroy vs. discard. I added the “hero” portion because when destroying an ongoing card, you would need to specify hero, or else you could destroy villain cards. I admit that with discard, it is implied, but when I suggested a change to destroy, adding hero became necessary.
(in response to JayMann)
Fair enough. It’s just a weird card then
Ah, I understand what you intended now. Right now, it instructs us to discard a card, but you think it should instead instruct us to destroy a card in play, based on the fact that it tells us what kind of card to discard when no other card with a discard effect does that. I’m interested now to hear from the SotM guys what the original intent of the card was – discard or destroy.